Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Spring 2019


First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach Lasota

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  • April Lee

    Hello classmates, I wanted to share this motivational speech by Eric Thomas. In this video he talks about “how bad do you want it.” By saying “how bad do you want it”, he means how much do you want to succeed in something or how much you want to do something. I chose this video because his speech motivates you to work harder towards the thing you desire most. It makes you want to work harder because with hard work there will always be success. I definitely recommend this video for everyone. I hope you enjoy it and find it motivational.

  • Raul Godinez

    Raul Godinez
    This video expresses some powerful words. Whether it’s a sport you’re playing, finishing school, or getting that dream job, if you want something bad then it’s going to take work and dedication to achieve those goals. What I have a problem in at times is procrastination, leaving myself a load of work to do in a short amount of time. I have to remind myself that if I want to be successful then I can’t being putting anything less than 100% on my work and responsibilities. Just like breathing, being successful is so important to me, to make my family proud, to be a good role model for my younger siblings, and to be happy in life. There’s going to be times where I have to make sacrifices but I know it’s all going to be worth it in the end. You have to create those opportunities for yourself to succeed.

  • Staci Silva

    I enjoy this video because it isn’t about how to be successful in the material sense, it is more about success in your personal life endeavor. Oprah Winfrey is delivering this at a college commencement ceremony and reminds the graduates of three things to take with you: know who you are, service to others will bring significance, and always do the right thing. They are basic things to practice, but clearly are easily overlooked or neglected. Being successful in life means different things to others, but this message motivates me to practice kindness, self-care, and be there for others without expectations from them.

  • Alexis Ibarra

    This video is one of the motivational videos I have found on youtube. Melissa Newman-Evan talks about confidence and womanhood. When I am asked what motivational video comes to my mind, this instantly pops up in my head. The video has helped me realize that pleasing everyone is not the way to go and that I have to focus on myself in order to help others as well. It also has taught me to not harbor any hate because doing so will prevent me from making friends that could potentially become my best friends.

  • Jenna Silva

    I love this video of the speech given by U.S. navy admiral, William McRaven. I have watched it numerous times and it continues to give me chills. This video instantly changes my perspective, no matter what I am feeling. It reaffirms to me the notion that I am stronger and tougher than I know and that I, a single person, have the power to truly make a difference. In the video, Admiral Willian McRaven tells of a story the difference one person made during navy seal training. He reminds us all that one tiny voice can ignite change that makes a difference in the lives of others. We must not forget the power and the weight of influence our actions and words hold.

  • Natalie Aguila

    Natalie Aguila Stanhope
    So my inspirational video is a long half hour video following the life of inspirational speaker Claire Wineland. Claire at birth was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and was give 10 years to live but since than continued to defy all odd until her death last September. This is a very personal video for me because the first time I watched her was when I was in an ICU unit intubated and struggling to breathe on my own. She gave me encouraging words about how once chronic illness doesn’t define us, it doesn’t even take away from our life unless we let it. This video reminds me that there is beauty in every moment of each day and that life is what we make of it no matter what hand we were dealt in life it’s how we play it that truly matters.

  • Chelsey L Hampton

    I chose this video because I really liked the message behind it. I initially heard it as a podcast but because this assignment required a video I looked it up online and was glad to have found it. I felt that it was very empowering and informative. This video discusses the importance positive psychology and how beneficial it is to be conscious of our mindset and thoughts. I think that it is extremely motivating that you are able to rewire your brain despite “dealing with” the genes you are born with. This misconception is probably the reason why a lot of people do not feel as though there is hope out there for them, but science proves otherwise.

  • Elizabeth Silva Ponce

    Elizabeth Silva Ponce

    I find this video to be motivational for many reasons. I think the video does an excellent job at addressing many issues that women face today, not just in sports, but in life. Often, women are seen as weaker, dumber, and less capable of achieving their dreams. As the video mentions, no dream is too crazy, too big, or too difficult for woman to accomplish. I would also like to note that I believe the video’s producers are very effective in including real women that achieved dreams that society could have deemed as too great.

  • Bridget Martinez
    This video has turned into one of my favorite speeches of all time. It was performed by an artist named Halsey and she spoke about her struggles with sexual assault in her past. It is a huge inspiration for survivor of sexual abuse and it gives them hope and a voice for those who are voiceless. Every once in a while I will come across this video and it makes me feel good and happy that in the end, things worked out for her. She reminds me that the power of words is incredibly strong.

  • Kirandeep Mann

    Kirandeep Mann
    I found this video to be very motivational especially when it come to realizing one’s worth. This video is really good for someone who is struggling in life, and forgetting their self worth. This video talks about never forgetting your self worth no matter what situation you are in. No matter how many times something has put you down in life, always remember that you have value. Nothing can take away from that value.

  • Yahira Jimenez

    I chose this motivational video because as humans we tend to forget that our time is limited. So why waste it doing something you don’t love. In the video it said, “Don’t be trapped by dogma: which is living the results of other people’s thinking.” We tend to let the noise of others’ opinion affect our own inner voice. Work takes up most of our life and the only way that we are satisfied is by believing that we are doing great work. By loving what we do is one in accomplishing that. It takes courage to take action. Fear is what kills our dreams and hope, so don’t let your emotion get in the why of your goals. Believe in yourself and remain unbroken. Even when life knocks you down. Live life like it’s your last. Only then can we be truly happy. Don’t give up!

  • Mitsu

    Mitsu Saldana

    I chose this motivational video for a couple of reasons and the first one is because we never know how long we will live so we should make conscious choices each day to live fully. We need to make the most out of each experience we have and trust our instincts. Life is too short to be spent worrying about things that are out of our control. When living a life so cautiously then it can be hard to achieve great things in life. This video reminds me that we shouldn’t life in doubt of the “what if” because that is not healthy and instead go out and enjoy life since we do only have the opportunity to do so once!

  • Xiomara Avila
    I chose this video because it helped me see things in another perspective. The career path I chose seemed so long especially after seeing so many friends graduate and start theirs. Seeing how Taraji took the risk and put effort into what she ultimately wanted to do is very motivating. She didn’t listen to negativity or focus on how long it would take until she was able live out her goals. This video puts it out there that you are the only one that can make things happen for yourself, achieving what you want and being happy about it.

  • Maria Villicana


    My name is Maria Villicana and for my motivational video, I chose “Change The Way You See Yourself” by Eric Thomas. Thomas said in the video, “What you need to think is not how you see the world but what you need to see is how the world sees you.” What I got from this is, is that you need to set your goals and work really hard because no one will help you achieve your goals unless you do it, but in order for that to happen, you need to work very hard and never give up. Which is then followed by then next thing that he mentioned on the video, “It’s always a result of commitment to excellence, intelligent, planning, and focused effort.” Again, you need to be persistent with your goals in life and know exactly what you want. My mom once said to me, “Stay away from negative people, or you’ll become one of them.” I always thought that those were just things that people would come up with. In fact, I was wrong. I have had many negative people in my life that somehow changed me and the way I would think about life. After experiencing it in real life, I know that what my mom once said to me was true and not just things that people would make up. Staying with positive people and helping yourself by watching insperational videos or instrumental music can really help you so much. I chose this video, because it made me reflect many things and how much I have accomplished so far.

  • Jessica Valero

    Hello, my name is Jessica Valero. I selected a video clip related to Commencement because I will be graduating in a few weeks. Furthermore, I chose Steve Jobs as the keynote speaker because he was an influential man. First, he talked about how he dropped out of college after six months and as a result, took a calligraphy class, which ten years later became useful in the creation of the Macintosh font. Furthermore, he talked about him getting fired from Apple, a company that he co-founded and that with a twist of destiny, he became the owner of. Lastly, he spoke about how he had a tumor on his pancreas, which was the closest he had ever been to death. However, at the end of his speech, he said, “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” I found those two phrases motivational and will continuously be on my mind in the next chapter of my life, graduate school. Overall, what I gained from the YouTube clip is that failure can lead to success and to always live life as if it were one’s last day.

  • Iridiana Castrejon

    Iridiana Castrejon

    I chose this motivational video because I feel like it’s very easy to be negative when something doesn’t go our way, and it’s difficult to be positive when something goes wrong or something bad happens. I would always think negative and blame myself when things went wrong. This video has motivated me and helped me to think positive about failures and bad situations. In the video, Jocko said, “When things are going bad, there’s going to be some good that comes out of it.” We have to remember that when something goes bad, we have the opportunity to learn and figure out a solution. We have the opportunity to get up and try again and do things better. We have the opportunity to grow and become stronger. I love this video because watching it helps me remember all of these things. We should try our best to think this way about things instead of thinking negative and putting ourselves down. This video has helped me and I hope it can help others as well.

  • alexandria rose hammond

    Alexandria Hammond
    I chose this video because it makes me laugh really hard. It’s not a formal speech that is planned out and has a speaker who is calm and collected, it’s a video of a woman yelling at you to get it together because it is up to you to live a happy life. I love to laugh so this video and others like it stick more with me than anything else. I hope you all enjoy this video because I sure have been laughing for the past 10 minutes. Please let me know if you feel motivated from this! Because I sure feel like I can do anything with this woman hyping me up like this.