Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Spring 2017


Hi Class,

First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach Lasota

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  • Jason Singh

    This is the video that I chose as an inspirational/motivation clip. This small clip gives the motivation to give back and never ask for anything in return. Most people think that if they give someone something they will get something like an object in return. In this clip, it shows that he gives all he has not to one day receive an object or something he can hold, touch, or use, but something he will feel. After he gives money and helps other people, he gets the gift of happiness and the happiness he provides to others, and in life that’s all that should matter is happiness, not how much someone has or what physical things they have. It’s a motivation to give back in life and provide happiness because life is a precious thing that will wear out.

  • Hannah Gissler

    I chose a video by Temple Grandin for multiple reasons. Firstly, Ms. Grandin has been an inspiration to me through her work in the betterment of the livestock industry in our country. This video covers a wide array of her work with both and animals and autistic children. As she says in the video, “the world is going to need all of the different kinds of minds to work together.” She shows that it is important to develop all different kinds of minds to better our society. Every person is unique and needs to be taught according to their needs. Our future depends on all different kinds of people.

    -Hannah Gissler

  • Savannah Mendoza

    I have chosen this video because I believe every sentence, every word and every breath that was put into the production of this video. This video motivates you by pushing you ro be better than you were. By talking you up this video motivates you by talking you down at the same time. It shows you how bad you have to want something. You have to succeed as bad as you want to breath and this video makes that known. You have to create your own time, situation and motivation, because if you dont nobody else is going to do it for you and this video makes that known. It takes no effort to be a loser, and this video makes that known. This video has so many inspirational phrases that make me want to get up and work out right now . Because the world does not beg average people to be phenomenal, a phenomenal person does not need to be begged. -Mike Vasquez

  • Daniel Archuleta
    I chose this video because Bill Self has one, yet powerful message, Be Yourself. The greatest thing that we all have is ourself and we should be the person that we want to be. Bill says this to his to team to encourage them to be who they are because it is what got them far along their athletic journey. Regardless, of what an outcome may be, positive or negative, as long as the person is themselves then they will always have an excellent and prosperous time. That is why whenever I do things, I do it the way I want to because if I do it a way that I do not like then I will not have a great time doing it.

  • Alexis Duran
    I chose this video because taking risks can be scary. But in order to live your dream you just have to take them. Living your dream is achievable and doable by investing in yourself. I really like how in the video they say to invest time in yourself and become an individual, figure out who you are to make your dreams a reality. They placed emphasis on strengthening one’s mind which I believe is very important. We have to take each day one step at a time. A line that stood out greatly was that even through life’s disappointments you can make it. I fear disappointment and failure and something that I didn’t even realize I did until after I saw this video is that I question whether I’ll even be able to handle it if I do succeed. This video helped me become motivated to push those thoughts aside and chase after knowledge in order to succeed at living my dream in life.

  • Ines Cazares
    The reason why I choose this video was because I was in a computer lab at school and I just went on YouTube to search for a video and the person next to me told me it was a good one. I stopped the video and told him I needed to find a motivational video for a class assignment and he told me this one was good. I been having a hard semester due to my father’s passing at the begging of the semester and it really had been hard to find motivation when you are in such pain like that. I have a lot of people who try to cheer me up and help me keep a positive outlook but, its hard. I felt this is video was what I needed today to make my day productive and to help me get finals ready.

  • Jacob Joseph
    The reason I chose this video was because when I was in high school I found this video and it was a video that really got to me. It made me think that nothing comes easy, if you really want something you will put everything you have to achieve that. Life is about taking risk and putting it all out there for you to become successful. To be able to push yourself harder, farther, and to the absolute max even though your body is done or you’re emotionally beat that is when you push yourself more and prove to yourself that nothing can stop you besides you. If you really want to be successful you’re going to want it as bad as you want to breathe.

  • Thannia Garcia

    The reason why I found this clip to be motivating was because it truly inspires me to make no excuses. Nick Vujicic was born without limbs yet he has not let
    that interfere with his quality of life. Even though his life has not
    been the easiest, he still has the drive to succeed and help others. His
    disability has not stopped him from striving to achieve his dreams and
    he goes above and beyond by having the desire to encourage others. In
    this video he relates his disability to the hardships of life and
    inspires people to not let any obstacles prevent them from being their

  • Mayra Salas

    I chose this video because I usually find TED talks to be motivational in their own way. This specific video is probably one of my favorites because the speaker talks about being wrong. She shares that it is okay to admit to ourselves to that we are wrong, if we’re afraid to be wrong, we don’t have to be. On a social scale, we have an attachment to our rightness that it keeps us from preventing mistakes which can cause us to treat others unkindly. We should be able to let go our sense of rightness in order to be able to understand each other’s way of seeing the world. As human beings, we don’t have to know everything. Not knowing everything can result in making new discoveries about who we are as individuals and about the world around us. For me, this is a comforting thought.
    -Mayra Salas

  • Francesca Avalos

    In this video, Dr. Dyer explains how thoughts and mentality can shape someone and affect their life outcome. He does this by basically sharing his personal life experiences and emphasizing how his thoughts made him the successful person he is today. In the beginning of the video, Dr.Dyer reveals that he lived in an orphanage and a few foster homes until the age of 10 because his father walked out on their family and his mother couldn’t financially provide for him and his siblings. He chose to view this as a blessing rather than a hardship in his life. This inspires me because it opens my eyes to how blessed I really am, especially when I’m having a bad day. It just kind of reminds me that my life could be much worse and if this man could remain positive through all of that, then there’s no excuse for me to not try to remain positive as well. Another thing that really inspires me in the video is when Dr.Dyer explains how you can have anything you want in life if you speak it into existence and remain focused.

  • Whitney Harrison This is Water Commencement Speech by David Foster Wallace. This is one of the most motivational and influential videos I’ve ever watched. We go about our days thinking about the many obstacles that stand in our way and not looking at the big picture. Once we realize that life does not have to be a world where everyone walks around aimlessly with tunnel vision trying to finish their daily routine, only then will we realize that we are wasting our lives living each day the same, and not taking into consideration that we are also obstacles in the way of other peoples’ lives. We need to stop and think about the tiny grain of sand we are on the giant mountain of life. This video gives me motivation on my worst days to stop and remember that those “obstacles” I referred to earlier are all a part of life. Be thankful and stop thinking of life as a race.

  • Michael Joseph

    This video is about a Sikh man who has spent many years helping the refugees in Iraq. Although he is not Assyrian but he is helping the displaced families with his humanitarian aid organization. Its a very motivating video because it shows how much he cares and how much he is giving without expecting any return.

  • Emmalee Raley
    I chose this video created by Kid President because of how much it stood out to me when I first saw it. We watched some of his videos in one of my classes in high school. Kid President made this to try and give some encouragement to different people. He is different and wants other people to know that it is okay. There is no reason to not feel encouraged in life.

  • Myriam Rios

    Myriam Rios

    I started my search by rewatching videos that have motivated and inspired me very much this year. The Audi Super Bowl commercial was the first one that I thought about. It tackles the issue of the gender pay gap. I then searched for a topic that I have been dealing with lately. My son is showing some risk factors for high functioning Autism. There has been no diagnosis and we are barley starting the process of pinpointing different behaviors. I did notice my son was different ever since he was a few months old (as did others). I like that this video highlights that it is okay to be different and it is okay to react differently to stimulus. It seems like we want all our children to be the same and learn in the same way, even when this is not possible. I am motivated to do better as a parent and as a social agent. This video reminds me of the reason I want to work with children.

  • morgan roberts

    I chose this video because i saw it and it really was what my father told me as a kid and its what my coach told us growing up. always told us to not be content, to not be okay with what is expected and be satisfied. It tells us we need to continue to strive and grow and grasp. Everyone has the potential to be phenomenal and they need to strive to be phenomenal. This video makes me want to reach out and attain greatness.

  • morgan roberts

    I chose this video because i saw it and it really was what my father told me as a kid and its what my coach told us growing up. always told us to not be content, to not be okay with what is expected and be satisfied. It tells us we need to continue to strive and grow and grasp. Everyone has the potential to be phenomenal and they need to strive to be phenomenal. This video makes me want to reach out and attain greatness.

  • Janelle Oliveros

    I chose this video because it has one of my most inspirational and motivational leaders, Nick Vujicic, a man who has no limbs but has one of the greatest faiths. This video reminds me that my circumstances are things to be grateful for because some can have worse, and also, my circumstances do not define me. Vujicic transcends limitations that even people with limbs could put on themselves, as he has spoken to many national leaders, reached out to needy individuals, traveled to world, and even knows how to surf despite his limbs and people’s expectations. He motivates me to do more than what I could do, more than the limits I put on myself; but most importantly, he inspires me to strengthen my faith by stepping out into faith. If he can do amazing things without limbs but with God, then I can do the same even with my limbs present.

    Janelle Oliveros

  • Liliana Espinoza

    I decided to pick this motivational video from the rest because this one really spoke to me. I’ve always been an active person and I’ve always made time to work out no matter how busy I am throughout the day. The reason why I chose this video is so people can see what they are truly capable of. If you really want something, you will do anything and everything to make it happen. You will fail, suffer, but people need to realize life is not easy. Its not easy to lose weight, but if you put your mind to it and truly work hard and believe in yourself, you would be surprised what you’re capable of doing. Individuals have to stop going the easy way out because the majority of the time you will not see any results. You have to eat well and stay active, those are the two important things when wanting to lose weight. I’m hoping that with this video, someone will find motivation in themselves to make a change in their life.

    Liliana Espinoza

  • Mai Yang

    The title of this video says it all “Redefining Success,” which is why I choose it and I’m willing to learn from it. We all talk about our future and dreams like we have clue. Some purse their dreams with all their might thinking that all they’ve done is enough, but its really not. (“The hard work doesn’t seem to be paying off.”) Even the smallest criticism can dig under your skin that will eventually leave to doubts in your head. But all you have to do is redefine yourself and work even harder.

  • Juan Pablo Farias

    I’m going to start this off by saying that i am NOT a 49ers fan. However, I can respect the players even if it’s for a team a don’t root for. I think this video is a perfect representation of never giving up. Alex Smith walked through a field of crap and came out the other end smelling like roses. Everyone was against him, especially the people that were suppose to be cheering him on. Everyone gave up on him except for one person, Jim Harbaugh, and that one person helped Smith change his entire career around and prevented him getting chewed up and spat out like it happens with so many other NFL prospects. I like this video because it shows you that if you persevere hard work will pay off.

  • Jaimee Ellison

    I know it’s not the typical motivational video but music helps when words fail. This is has been my favorite song for years. It’s about overcoming depression. This song has helped me through some rough times and it helped me cope with my mental illness. I’ve seen this band and I’ve heard this song live which has helped me even more. The video is from a movie about a vocalist of a band who struggles with an abusive father and his own life and the audio is from a live show. This specific video is dedicated to the victims of the attack in Paris. Now when I listen to this song, it motivates me to do better in my life.

  • Nicholas Duque

    Whenever I need motivation in a time of need, Maya Angelou is always my go-to. Following her train of thought is always as engaging as it is eye-opening. The message of this video is so simple, but her interpretation is so awe-inspiring; I am human, therefore nothing that is human can be alien to me. Anything is possible, and we are all infinite in our capabilities. In all her wisdom, Dr. Angelou closes the video by alluding that she is still continuously learning, which is something I aspire to do.

  • Caleb Brown

    Hey Guys. The video I want to share with you guys is an excerpt from an address to the 2005 graduating class of Kenyon college by David Foster Wallace. It is titled This Is Water, and the excerpt is about thinking differently about many of the mundane activities that we will or even have experienced in our lifetime. I find it very motivational because it shows how we automatically find certain situations in our life tedious and irritating, and the video shows us how we can actually change our method of thinking and change our perception so that we are not so miserable during these times. I also think its important because many people feel (including myself) at times they are the center of the universe and that everyone is simply in their way, when in reality this is not the case. everyone needs a reality check every once and a while. It is definitely a worthwhile clip to check out.

  • Vanesa Hernandez
    I chose this because it speaks truth. We can easily change physically, but mentally is always a challenge. A quote I enjoyed from this video was in order to have a positive mind shift you need to “tune out the critics outside and the critic inside.” Some of us probably judge ourselves more than others judge us, either way it damages our self esteem to some extent. But our self esteem and thrive to accomplish our goals should never be put down, not by our own selves and definitely not by anyone else. This video highlights that with dedication and focus and a positive attitude, one can go a long way.

  • Juan Estrada

    Hello, my name is Juan Carlos Estrada and the video that has given motivation is the one where Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson shares his struggles in life and how he overcame them. Even though I have never been severely depressed, I have encountered moments in my life where I feel isolated from everyone else and it caused much emotional pain. I watched this video in early 2016 and remember the words that Dwayne spoke in the interview “You’re going to be okay” and it changed my perspective on the situations/issues in my life and gave me so much clarity. He also explained how his close relationship with his father helped him change his life for the better, something that my mother did for me when I was in that “isolated” state. Right now, I feel so much happiness and excitement for my future and hope all of you do too!

  • Fatima Feroze

    I chose this video because anytime I watch it, it always gets me hyped up. My most favorite line is “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” Even though I tell myself I want to succeed, I have to really want it and I have to work hard for it. Some days I might feel burnt out but this video reminds me of why I’m here and what I’m struggling for.

  • Ruby Quiralte

    I chose this video because Payton Manning came back from a career ending injury. I find motivation in this video, it is not easy coming back from a injury. I know first hand how challenging and difficult it can be. I find it incredible when a athlete can over come these types of obstacle. The type of determination that it takes to overcome these injuries, you have to be consistent and willing to put in the work. Those people’s drive motivate me to over come any situation I am put into.

  • Onel Isha

    I chose this video because who doesn’t like Ray Lewis one of the greatest linebackers within sports history! Ray Lewis in the video really ignites the flame within a human being coming from a poor background Lewis worked himself from the ground up. Lewis reminds us within this video that no matter how big you are you’re not big enough, how hard you hit won’t be enough within the eyes of others. This is why Lewis reminds to leave our mark to shut everyone up.

  • Ryan Ernst
    I chose this video because this video because it is what got me back into running about 10 weeks ago. I took a long break from the sport I once loved and I decided after watching it that I needed to get back into it. If I could go out every day and run, pushing my body’s limits each day, who knows what I could accomplish? It does not matter if I sign up for races and win, but rather it matters that I get out there, live healthy, and have fun doing it. I occasionally look back to this video if I have a bad workout or if I do not feel like running that day, and think about how far I have come in those 10 weeks. I couldn’t even put 3 miles together without severe leg pain then, and now running upwards of 9-10 miles can feel like a cakewalk. Video’s like this keep me on track towards a lot of my personal goals and overcoming barriers that I set for myself.

  • cory vargas

    The video I chose is a short trailer for a full video documentary about Rafe Esquith. Mr. Esquith is a teacher in a school that is mostly impoverished and many of the students come from broken families with little to no previous success in school. However, Rafe goes on to invoke pride in the school work of his students by showing them a play written by William Shakespeare. Many might think that these students are far too young to be getting their hands on this kind of material, but it is quite the contrary. This play, that is far ahead of many of the students’ ordinary teaching curriculum teaches them many life goals such as being disciplined and organized so as to reap all that life sows. I find this video as inspirational, because as a future teacher, I want to invoke such desire to succeed in my students as Mr. Esquith does with his.

  • denisse barboza

    I chose this video because I truly am inspired by my mother.
    She never has said it, but I know that she is tired each and every day, but
    that has never stopped her from providing for us a warm and comforting house
    and giving us motherly love that a child truly needs to blossom and flourish in
    life. I want to be just like my mother when I grow up and show the type of love
    and devotion that she has shown to me to those that are in my life that I am
    like a mother to or actually get to be a mother for. It truly is important for
    mother’s to be recognized as special people in our lives because we don’t
    always realize all they do for us. I catch myself taking her for granted and
    have tried to make a conscious effort to not. I hope that this video is
    inspiring to all who see it that mothers go through a lot more than one might
    think and they never stop to complain. So, if after seeing this, you feel like
    calling your mother don’t hesitate to do so.

  • Jackeline Sanchez

    I chose this video because it has been one of the resources that i use to give me motivation and to stay up all night finishing my school work after a long day at work. It has helped me not give up on my dreams and keep fighting for what is important in life and that is to succeed for myself and to make my family proud. I also watch this video right before i take an exam as it helps me calm my anxiety levels. Whenever i watch this clip it gives me the mental strength to finish ever school semester strong. This video has inspired to pursue my dreams and realize that it isn’t always going to be easy.

  • Thania Duenas

    I chose this video because I really enjoy the message it offers, this video is about moving forward in life and taking risks. The video motivated me instantly by including athletes during extraneous exercise or training . Most of us become lost in the everyday routine and responsibilities, we then get stressed out when we fail to meet goals or see the results we expect. The video relates positive messages throughout stating that if you keep working hard each day and take small footsteps towards a goal you will eventually arrive at your destination. Most of us tend to underestimate ourselves when we lose confidence, having low confidence in our value or work prevents us from applying for that dream job or doing something out of the ordinary and this video helps lift confidence.

    Thania duenas

  • Thania Duenas

    I chose this video because I really enjoy the message it offers, this video is about moving forward in life and taking risks. The video motivated me instantly by including athletes during extraneous exercise or training . Most of us become lost in the everyday routine and responsibilities, we then get stressed out when we fail to meet goals or see the results we expect. The video relates positive messages throughout stating that if you keep working hard each day and take small footsteps towards a goal you will eventually arrive at your destination. Most of us tend to underestimate ourselves when we lose confidence, having low confidence in our value or work prevents us from applying for that dream job or doing something out of the ordinary and this video helps lift confidence.

    Thania duenas