Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Fall 2017


Hi Class,

First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach Lasota

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  • Ramon Salinas

    This video brings back so many memories from high school, to me this is one the greatest sports speech of all time. The way coach starts off soft and humble then goes into full crazy mode is intense. No actor could have done a better job than Al Pacino, the way he delivers the lines are epic. Sometimes in my life when I’m feeling down I play this speech, it motivates me to get off my ass and go get something done. It’s just a movie, but this speech carries weight in motivating people to work towards their goals.

  • Ruben Salas
    This video about Sylvester Stallone is very motivational in the sense to always follow your dreams. Sylvester had dreams of becoming an actor, but due to his slurred speech nobody wanted to hire him. He actually wrote a script and producers offered to buy it but not put Stallone in it. He hit rock bottom, he got evicted and sold his dog to get food. Eventually the producers allowed Stallone to be in the film, Rocky, and paid him $35,000. After getting paid he bought back his dog; Stallone’s movie, Rocky, made $200 million and now Stallone is a recognizable actor in the movie industry. This motivates me because it goes to show that anything is possible if you keep striving to meet your goal. My goal is to complete college, it may be a long process but the reward will be worth it in the end.

  • Jazmine Favela-Nevarez
    This video is from the movie Peaceful Warrior, which in itself is a very inspirational movie, in which Socrates is explaining to Dan that he needs to focus on the moment in order to succeed. It is a great little moment because it explains that we need to experience the present moment and give it our full attention while blocking out the distractions of the past or future to achieve our goals. I really like this clip because I tend to overthink everything and sometimes I need to be reminded that right now is what truly matter. Things will happen but we need to live in the present to achieve our goals for the future because all those what-ifs are polluting the mind. I find it inspirational and it motivates me to let go of the past and allow the future to be the future while learning to live in the moment in order to achieve the goals of today.

  • Jillian Cardoso

    This novel/movie is my favorite because of how relevant it feels sometimes. One of my best friends in the world died of leukemia and reminds me so much of the boy in this novel. Even the actor looks like my friend! This video is motivating to me because it reminds me how precious life and love are. That we should always use the time we do have to tell each other how much we love one another and to live every day happily. If you have not seen or read The Fault In Our Stars, I highly recommend it.
    - Jillian Cardoso

  • Isabel Zavala Cortes

    This clip is both inspiring and motivating for me. It’s from a silent film, but I actually didn’t watch the movie. I caught sight of it one day, and even though I didn’t watch the movie, the scene still moved me. It’s in one of Charlie Chaplin’s films, and surprisingly enough, this moment when he does actually speak(since most of his movies are silent), he leaves the audience in awe and in silence. In this clip he has the choice to rule over the people, and become a dictator, yet he chooses not to rule over them. He’s willing to be authentic, and say something nobody else says out loud, and in front of thousands of people. But you have to watch it to understand.

  • Tiffany Silva

    This video is so inspiring, this guy was born without any limbs, but looks at life in such a positive way. In this video he says: “In life you have a choice, bitter or better, choose better and forget the bitter.” Watching this video makes you realize that you take some parts of your life for granted. This video gave me a better appreciation of the life that I have and that I shouldn’t let the little things bother me because life could be much worse.

  • Lisa

    I actually found this video while I was looking for material for the assignment, I don’t really buy into motivational videos in the traditional sense. I feel inspired by other people’s struggles, but for the most part, I don’t really feel specifically motivated by them. The biggest issue I have with watching other people do things is that for the most part I can justify why, since I’m not in that situation, I shouldn’t really be motivated by it, if that makes any sense (not to trivialize the struggles of other people, or say it’s bad to find motivation there, I just don’t typically find any lasting motivation from them). This one of the other hand relies on a hypothetical situation, and asks you to imagine yourself in it for motivation. Even more, I think I see this as a credible source of motivation, because it’s a talk from a famous physicist, not someone that I necessarily look up to, but I guess I see him as much smarter than I am, so I tend to believe what he says when he says it. Anyways, academically speaking, this has been a really rough semester, so the thought that I could possibly astound Aristotle, just by resources, rather than by sheer intelligence, makes me think that I can definitely make it through the last few weeks of the semester.

  • Brentt Wong

    I always see inspirational videos popping up on my Facebook timeline, and this commencement speech given by Ellen DeGeneres was one of the many I’ve seen. Her words really resonated with me. She recounts her own life experiences and thoughts that she had when she was the age of the graduating class. She explains how she had no idea what path to take in life until she finally found success. However, she was living with shame and fear from hiding who she truly was. She came out as gay, and as a result, her career hit rock bottom. Even though she had nothing going on career-wise, she realized that she had a bigger purpose which was to help and inspire others through her own actions. Ellen offers the graduates the advice of living their lives with integrity and staying true to themselves. This will attract the right people and help gain the success we seek.

  • Jairius Matthews–a&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

    My name is Jairius Matthews, and the inspirational video that I chose was a Ted Talk given by Lux Narayan. Narayan’s speech focused on the legacy that you leave behind when you pass away. He talked about the legacies of famous and non-famous people that he and his company studied from newspaper obituaries. The point of his speech was to showcase that the most prominent finding from his study was that people were remembered for the ways that they helped society. Moreover, he wanted to encourage the audience to make a difference in others’ lives because it is incredibly impactful. I hope you all enjoy this video!

  • Callie Gagon

    My name is Callie Gagon, and the motivational/inspirational video I chose is about a boy and a dog. At first they both look normal, but after a while you notice they are both missing one leg. I like this video because it addresses the pain the boy has over losing his leg and how he feels about it. You can tell he is not comfortable about it by the way he first treats the dog. After a while and a lot of persistence from the puppy the boy actually acknowledges him. This can be true for many things that happen in life. We get a bad grade we become mad and angry, we lose a family member and we get sad, mad, and angry. This video shows that no matter what your struggle is you can always over come it and that sometimes you just need a push by a persistent person or animal that needs your love and attention.

  • Callie Gagon

    My name is Callie Gagon, and the motivational/inspirational video I chose is about a boy and a dog. At first they both look normal, but after a while you notice they are both missing one leg. I like this video because it addresses the pain the boy has over losing his leg and how he feels about it. You can tell he is not comfortable about it by the way he first treats the dog. After a while and a lot of persistence from the puppy the boy actually acknowledges him. This can be true for many things that happen in life. We get a bad grade we become mad and angry, we lose a family member and we get sad, mad, and angry. This video shows that no matter what your struggle is you can always over come it and that sometimes you just need a push by a persistent person or animal that needs your love and attention.

  • Deisy Valencia

    My name is Deisy Valencia.
    This video ends with a line that says life = a risk. Which is something my dad used to tell me growing up. He would always tell me if you don’t take the risk you won’t ever know what could have been. And in my opinion, this is important because it is better to try and not succeed, then to not try at all. This video shows many success stories where people didn’t succeed the first time. But it showed how in the end they didn’t give up and found success in another way. It is inspirational to hear stories of people who had to keep trying and didn’t always succeed on the first try, but in the end still found another way for their dreams to come true.

  • Deisy Valencia

    My name is Deisy Valencia.
    This video ends with a line that says life = a risk. Which is something my dad used to tell me growing up. He would always tell me if you don’t take the risk you won’t ever know what could have been. And in my opinion, this is important because it is better to try and not succeed, then to not try at all. This video shows many success stories where people didn’t succeed the first time. But it showed how in the end they didn’t give up and found success in another way. It is inspirational to hear stories of people who had to keep trying and didn’t always succeed on the first try, but in the end still found another way for their dreams to come true.

  • Catelyn Parker

    I found the scene in Evan Almighty to be powerful. Whenever you pray it is usually for something specific. I don’t know about all of you, but I figured prayers would be answered with a solution. This scene gave me a different perspective. We should not be so greedy to ask for something to be given to us but we should be asking for opportunities for a solution, so that we ourselves can help ourselves.

  • Catelyn Parker

    I found the scene in Evan Almighty to be powerful. Whenever you pray it is usually for something specific. I don’t know about all of you, but I figured prayers would be answered with a solution. This scene gave me a different perspective. We should not be so greedy to ask for something to be given to us but we should be asking for opportunities for a solution, so that we ourselves can help ourselves.

  • Bao Her
    My name is Bao Her and the motivational speech that I have chosen is about “The Power of Faith”. I chose this clip because as becoming a Christian, it’s always good to have a faith of something that you have always wanted. Like for example, it can be like passing your drivers test. Whatever faith you have inside of you, will determine the outcome of the faith level. In other words just a little faith can do amazing things in a person’s life and in the lives of those around that person.

  • Juliana Rouel

    I really enjoyed this video in which multiple stars show their struggles to get to where they are. The people in the video motivate you to work hard on every single aspect of your life and you will reach your goals. Jim carey wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars and gave himself a couple years to be able to cash and eventually he was able to cash it. You must have a visualization and work hard to achieve your goals.

  • Zachary Celestre

    The video/song by ok go – this too shall pass is inspirational to me. It shows that even with all the random things that can happen in life, they too shall pass. Its kind of a pick me up song when im down. Also, I enjoy making rube goldberg machines, so that helps too. Ok go has a few really good videos that some might find inspirational.

  • Aneesa Smith

    Hello everyone! For this week’s assignment, I decided to choose a video by Kristin Johns, one of my all time favorite YouTubers. She’s such a down to earth, sweet YouTuber and I truly enjoy all her videos. This video in particular is her addressing the false assumptions people make about her and other YouTubers/Celebrities. She talks about not jumping to conclusions about people based only on what you see on social media. I think we ALL do it, especially at our age. We see someone happy and in love, and we get jealous that we don’t have that. We see someone getting engaged, or married, or having a baby and wish to have their life and their happiness. It’s really important to remember that just because you see someone happy and enjoying life in a single social media post, doesn’t mean that they are living that happy life all the time. Everyone goes through struggles and faces their own hardships. I think this is a great message for all young people to hear because it’s so true and so important. Have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Jose De La Torre I chose this clip because Steve Jobs shows us that all we need is to have confidence in ourselves. He says that you need to trust in yourself and the decisions you make and that they will help you out sometime in the future. Even after being fired from his own company he never gave up and continued doing what he loved and became even more successful, all because he believed in himself and his decisions.

  • Briana Solano
    I have always loved watching this video because he is very realistic. A lot of people will tell you what to do and how to do it to be successful but he talks about the work and sacrifice it takes to get there. Anyone can, the steps are always laid out on how to work toward a certain degree or title or job. He specify that if you want something bad enough you have to go deep. And that is just where people aren’t willing to go. He makes you realize that you need to go above and beyond to get to where you want to be because no one will do it for you.

  • Robert Bordei
    I love this guy! Gary Vee is so inspirational in this ideology and I can not get enough of his videos. Listening to his videos and podcasts has really changed my prospective on life both in business and life in general. My second favorite videos of his, is his why I love Mondays “rant” which I highly recommend everyone watch.

  • Jared Johnson

    I don’t necessarily think that this video is one of the most motivational ones out there, but I came across it and thought it was quite insightful. It encourages me by reminding me that your ability to do well in life does not necessarily have to do with intelligence. Being a Physics major, most people would immediately think that I must be quite smart. On the contrary, almost all of my Physics courses are more than a challenge for me, and I struggle quite often. This video got me thinking that if I were to only think about wishing I could be smarter, I would never get anywhere in life, but if I set my passion and determination to any task at hand, I would have a far greater chance of success.
    -Jared Johnson

  • Erika Garcia

    Hey class! My name is Erika Garcia and the video that I chose for this assignment is called “mindshift”. This video is one that I highly recommend for everyone. One thing that is always going to be prominent is our mindset with anything we do in life. This video emphasizes the importance of that. It is about shifting the way you think, your perspective on life, and your perspective on yourself. One of the quotes that are in this video that is motivating is “successful people that we see get awarded in public for what they have practiced relentlessly in private. “Mindshift” touches on resilience, endurance, facing defeat, tuning out a negative mindset, and facing defeat. Reminds us that we are as unstoppable as we want to be. It also opens our eyes that we should live our life with drive and passion. We have to convince ourselves and sell ourselves to ourselves.

  • Sara Singh
    Hi everyone, My name is Sara Singh and the video i chose for this assignment is just an inspirational video that hopefully you all will enjoy and will make you want to do better in the world and for the people around us. I chose this video because it really shows how just a small gesture and small hand goes such a long way to help one another. I think this video is amazing because it shows how just one person and one action can make for a better world. This video is mainly explicated through video and pictures and music and is different than the regular motivational speech video and is a main reason as to why im posting it. This touches all people big or small in the world because it shows, as i think the ripple effect of a good deed and being a better person because you see others being better.