Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Fall 2019


First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach Lasota

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  • Jayann Arroyo

    The War Path is a great tool to use when you’re feeling stuck, worn out, or just trying to remember why you started this journey in the first place. I was talking to my husband about how I usually have this little thing inside of me that keeps me going. Even the smallest reason to keep myself healthy. But lately it’s been hard to find that within myself. When he showed me this video it gave me that little push that I needed to get back to it. I now listen to this video about once a week because I just think what he has to say is very valuable.

  • Jessa Nario

    This Steve Harvey motivational video named “When Life Hits You” is a great video to remind individuals to take chances and avoid staying in a suboptimal situation simply because it’s comfortable. We should not stay in a situation simply because we’re scared of failure. This video outlines the fact that we have survived 100% of our bad days and we should be fine with feeling uncomfortable while transitioning from one stage of our lives to another. I feel that we are creatures of habit and often times we need reminders that just because we feel completely comfortable with one situation does not mean we should stop striving for a better life. We sometimes fail to recognize our full potential as things are fine the way they are and we are afraid to disrupt the status quo to reach for anything better. We get stuck and our potential is wasted. This video is a wonderful reminder that we are capable of so much more if we get comfortable with uncomfortable life transitions.

  • Linda Lee

    I chose this video because it serves as a reminder to me that criticism and struggles are all a part of one’s journey to success. There are challenges along the way that will test our patience, but it’s important that we stay true to ourselves and follow through with our dreams. Sometimes we are our own barriers when it comes to chasing our goals because of personal doubt and fear. However, it all comes down to us whether we choose to persevere or let our doubts hold us back.

  • Gene Dinh

    Gene Dinh

    The video I chose is listed as the “Soul of Judo: Judo Attitude”. This video represents more than just the sport in judo, which I have previously competed within the past. Deeper into the message, is the journey of finding your passion and striving for the future. The speech questions you motives and challenges you to rethink why you chose the path you are on. My favorite quote from the video was “unless it comes unasked out of your heart and your mind and your mouth and your gut, don’t do it”. The message surrounds those that may have chosen a career on the basis of what others suggest and what may be a viable choice. Though “responsible”, you are likely to never reach a point of self-fulfillment that may come from choosing from your heart. To have a “Judo Attitude” is to have made the right choice for yourself and to do it till the end of time as there is no other way to live.

  • Kayla Riego
    I find this video motivating for me because its direct and makes me feel like even if I am doing something small, it is a step. Finding the motivation in myself to get up and go for a short walk or do a workout video seems impossible, but I try my best. We all have to start somewhere and not everyone is going to be on the same level, but that’s okay. You are the only person who is stopping yourself from doing what you want. It is not someone else’s decision to make and you just need to make the choice.

  • Rendale Rose Dahuya
    Recently, I started listening to motivational videos in the morning before I start my day. This video stood out to me because it was short and straightforward. I find that listening to motivational videos help me to stay aware of my position in life and encourages me to do be productive and efficient. I came upon this video a few weeks ago before I went to the gym and it really motivated me to push beyond my limits during my workout. The quote that stood out to me the most throughout the video was “If it was easy, everyone would do it.” This made me realize that struggles in life shouldn’t be a reason for someone to give up, but to push forward and attempt to overcome the challenges we face. Even if it becomes unsuccessful, there is that learning experience we take from each attempt we make that will direct use towards a greater path for excellence.

  • Corina Huey

    This video is something I came across months ago when researching more about my potential career as an Officer in the USAF. If accepted for a commission, I will attend and complete Officer Training School which is what this video is discussing. This video inspires me to do and be better in all aspects of my life. I continue to work on my physical fitness and prepare myself for the rigorous training and coursework I will hopefully soon be doing! This video motivates me to continue to pursue my career as a part of the USAF and serve our country. Aim High!

  • Priyanka Nandani

    I chose this clip of Nike’s 2012 commercial because it shows greatness in many forms that are not idolized. These are common people who are not on TV, but they are achieving great things. One quote from this clip I enjoyed was “It is easy to see greatness on TV, but what if greatness is watching TV?” I think Nike really reached out to their customers, which are mostly common, everyday people. I loved the different clips of many people using some form of exercise to overcome an obstacle in their lives, It just shows how great using your body for greatness can really be.

  • Clara North
    I chose this video called The Passionate Leader because I am majoring in business and I believe to be a good leader one must be understanding to others. I like the way Mark Messier describes being a coach and a leader and how their success depends on good leadership. He goes on to state that leadership may need more than one leader. To listen to others, even if they are not part of your team, may benefit the team as a whole.

  • Destiny

    This video is so inspiring. I came across it today and it made me feel empowered, empowered to get back on my feet no matter how low I feel. It is important to know that although some times in your life may feel like they will never end, it is only a moment in your life that will eventually pass. This video allowed me to remember that. So, if you need a little pick me up, watch this video!

  • Elizabeth Cochran-Bryan

    The Disney Motivational Video by RedFrost Motivation was a chance of luck to come across. One of my close friends, who is a big Disney fan, recommended me this video when I was going through a rough spot this semester. Self-doubt can be a challenging obstacle to overcome, especially when it pertains to one’s craft. I became overwhelmed with self-doubt and was questioning myself on my ability as a classical pianist. It even came to the point where I had my first thought of quitting because I felt stagnant in my abilities as a musician, especially as a pianist. However, this video was an eye-opening moment for myself. The compiling of all the moments where the hero or protagonist was doubting themselves, there was always a person there to help open their eyes on how truly special they are and that they can overcome their burdens. This video not only made me rethink my negative thinking. It also allowed for myself to feel a surge of confidence again and helped me control my nerves when I had to perform in front of the whole music department. Evidently enough, my piano lessons professor told me that was the most professional and expressive I have ever played. I thank my friend for sharing this video with me when I was in a rough spot. No matter where we are in life, there are times we feel at our lowest, but there is always a person whether you know it or not lending a hand to you in your toughest of times.

  • Philip Hanson

    I chose this motivational clip of Bruce Lee because he talks about what philosophy he followed to be the person he was when he was alive. I like the way he mentions how martial arts means to honestly express yourself because we, as human beings, should express ourselves and be determined to do what we want to do. We should become one to be that which we want to be and without fear or doubt. I like the famous line too where Bruce Lee says to empty our minds to be shapeless and formless like water, so in other words be unique or be ourselves. We do not have to be what others want us to be, but we can focus on what we dream to be. This video alone has helped me to forget all the doubts and frustrations in my mind to keep my mind on what matters to me and it taught me how to be self sufficient for myself to strive for success in life.

  • Sarah Selfaison

    My name is Sarah Selfaison. For my motivational video, I choose a video called “This is Water.” It is commencement speech presented by David Wallace and is all about life and awareness. I chose this video because every time I watch it, it reminds me that I get to choose the type of life I want to live. It also reminds me that how easy it is to think that the world revolves around me and that I have to decide every day to believe in the unlikely, but possible reality that the people around me could be going through a greater hell than I am. I know that this video may not see very moving at first or at all to some people, but it has also made a great impact in my life since the day that I first watched it.

  • Isaiah Oliver
    My name is Isaiah and for my motivational video I chose “I’ve Come Too Far to Quit Now”. I chose this video because I find myself wanting to give up on doing certain assignments or even going to class. Some days it feels like its pointless to go to school. However, I know that I have to push through in order to be an elementary teacher. This video has helped me realize that the pain and hard work is well worth it.

  • Gurleen Hundal

    My name is Gurleen Hundal and for my motivational video I picked a commencement speech given by Denzel Washington at Dillard University. I chose this motivational video because the speaker, Denzel Washington, makes a very important point that I think everyone should remember when going through rough times. He mentions that you should always dream big and never be afraid to fail. He explains that before he became an actor, he was flunking out of college and was very confused about his life. Failure has always scared me and I’ve always taken major precautions to make sure I don’t fail. But after watching this video, I realized that failure is not something to be afraid of and failing at something can help you to become a better person because you learn from your mistakes.

  • Thezelle Pinlac
    When I was a freshman in high school, my history teacher presented this vide to our class and I always thought it was motivating. This video always gets me motivated and inspired whenever I feel like I’m not doing so well in my life. It helps me realize that I should never settle for less and that I should never give up on what my goals are. In the video, he describes his whole entire life and how he overcame the struggles he went through in his life.

  • Liz Nascimento

    This video helps me to look at obstacles and challenges that I face from a different perspective. We all face adversity in some shape or form. Things happen everyday that challenge my confidence, my plan, my efforts to grow into a better person. Every challenge can be learned from. There is a beauty to suffering for a greater purpose.

  • Elizabeth Lopez
    I chose this video because it reminds me to be happy and focus on the good things. Many times I focus on the bad things that occur to me and I feel like i’m not good enough, I need to understand that not everything is perfect and learn to accept myself and what I have. The bad things that happen bring out the good things. This reminds me to not compare myself to others. There will always be someone better. I need to accept everything about me because that is my power. I should learn to be happy for who I am because that is my greatest asset.

  • Veronica Vargas

    This video motivates me to keep moving when life gets difficult because it has an aggressive tone to it. I am a realist but sometimes I forget to remain tenacious because life doesn’t wait for anyone. I always feel the need to be pushed when I think that I don’t have the strength. This video is the voice I need to hear when I experience doubt and lack will power. I need to be reminded that you can’t give up and that I have the power to make what I want of life.

  • gisselle isas

    This video motivates me because ive always been one that wants to live day by day. This video talked about how basically life is short and how time shouldn’t be wasted. If you dont like the way your life is going, youre the only one who can change it. Time is valuable so dont waste it. Use the time you have to help yourself and other people its not about all the materialistic things. What’s most important Is loving your life and being happy with the life you’ve lived when you look back and having no regrets.

  • Stephanie Alvarez
    My name is Stephanie Alvarez. For my motivational video I chose “Believe In Yourself”, this video stood out to me because often times when we are going through a tough situation the first thing we do is doubt ourselves and what we are capable of. There are many challenges we must face, whether it has to do with school or just personal situations but the most important aspect is to never give up. We must all believe that we are able of completing our goals if we work hard because if we don’t believe ourselves then no one else will. If we really want to be successful we must put in effort and never stop believing that can do it. The first step in completing any goal is to change our mindset and always stay motivated. From this motivational clip I learned that motivation and believing in ones self is key to success.

  • Guadalupe Lopez Alvarez
    Hello My name is Guadalupe Lopez, and the video I decided to share is very motivational to me. I came across this video earlier this year, but the meaning has never been more vivid than now. Currently I’m in a very tough situation because life + school have become very overwhelming. I question myself half the time, but I realize life has a ton of obstacles and that not being able to overcome it won’t be the end of it. Everyone can do it. It’s just about realizing that things won’t get done the first time around, and that is completely okay. There is hope is absolutely everything.

  • Gabriella Valles

    I’ll be the first in my family to actually finish college so I have so many expectations from everyone that always makes me fearful of failure. I’m constantly second guessing myself if the career I want to work in is something I am even capable of doing and if I’m just setting myself up for failure. So, when I start feeling like this I always go back to this video to remind myself that if I really want what I’m working towards, then it’s worth trying. It reminds me that nothing is too big for me to do as long as I face challenges as productively as possible. It’s important to continue in life doing what we love to do rather than what we think we should do in order to live a life that has meaning to ourselves.

  • Aneica Martinez
    I chose this video, because it pushes me to keep going and overcome all the obstacles that get in my way. There are several situations where things have started to go bad and I just give up completely because I find it difficult to get back on track, but instead I should use those failures and obstacles as motivation to be better and work harder. I withhold from doing things because I fear I won’t be able to accomplish it, but that’s the one thing holding me back. There are so many things an individual can accomplish as long as they remember to stand back up and continue to fight for the things we dream and hope. There’s no reason we can’t achieve what we want. The only thing stopping us is ourselves.

  • Angel Saucedo

    The reason I chose this videos is specifically because I find that, out of all of the motivational speakers, He is to me the most straight up and real person I have heard speak. I find this because he explain directly all the hardship he had to go through and how he continues to let his lowest point in time be around him as much as possible to remind him of how hard he has work to live the life he is living right now. He also mentions how through all of his life through all of the hardship he works as hard as possible, and most importantly never forget where you come from and who you are working so hard for becuase at the end of the day most people are going to want you to fail and those are the people who should fuel your ambition.

  • Concepcion Avila

    I found this video to be very motivational. The audio had certain parts that really stood out to me and I could relate to some information. I loved how the speaker, Eric Thomas, encouraged the audience to be better and aspire to be better. He emphasized that we should be ready and willing to work for our dreams and goals. He encourages the people to take control of their lives and even confront ourselves. He states that we ourselves are the only ones responsible for what we are going through, and we should hold ourselves accountable, and work to be where we want to be. This needs to be done through change. Also, we should not depend on others to try to accomplish our goals and use our pain as a push forward.

  • Roberto Higuera
    This video is one of my favorites because it gives me motivation to keep moving forward in my educational goals. The goals I set for myself are difficult. Every class, grade, and fraction of a GPA matters in my career path. Every mistake is emphasized and perfection is minimized and expected when pursuing a medical profession. Someone like me, who has ADHD, does not fare well in academics. However, I do not care if makes it more difficult for me because the only thing I see in my future is being a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). Micheal Jordan once said ” Never say never, because limits like fear are often just an illusion”. I always come back to this video when I feel unmotivated, tired, or hopeless. I gives me the fire to keep going even when I want to quit. I know in the end that it will all be worth it.

  • Kristina Gonsales

    Hello Everyone! My name is Kristina! I chose this video because it gives me the motivation to do things I do not normally do. For example, the people from this channel would literally say yes to anything because it would allow them to create new fun memories. Another example of something they would do is ask strangers to go sky diving with them even if they were afraid of heights. The idea is to face their fears and make that negative feeling into a positive feeling. What the owners of Yes Theory is trying to prove is that you can do anything if you just push yourself to do it, and a simple yes can lead you to that. As they said at the end of the video, “what makes you uncomfortable and what are you going to do about it” because doing something will only change that discomfort to comfortability.

  • Anthony Borroel

    I posted this video because it is motivational. Anytime I see this video I share it.
    This video shows a blind man in a hospital bed, in a room with another
    man who is next to the window, the window has a brick wall on the other
    side but what the person that can see next to the window always
    describes an amazing story, they paint a fun, colorful picture for those
    who cant see, they explain the “things” happening in so much detail and
    make it so that those blind feel like they can see though words. It is a
    beautiful thing.

  • Brennen Keith Bogue
    This video is very inspirational to me and is something that hits home for me. I myself growing up struggled a lot with weight and went through a weight loss journey myself. When I was 18 i decided one day that I was tired of being over weight and made a change. It was like a switch that was just turned on and I have never turned it off since. 6 years later and I am happy to say that I have kept the weight that I lost off and workout on a weekly basis.

  • Corahima Chavez
    I came across this video through social media and found it very inspirational. John’s 300 pound weight loss journey shows that obesity does not have to be a life long trait. John came from a big weight family and he switched his life around to lose weight. He adapted better eating habits and worked out consistently to better his wealth. His journey shows that anyone can achieve anything with will power and dedication. In this video, the relationship between John and his girlfriend also showed that weight does not interfere with true love. John’s girlfriend loved him for who he was at 540 pounds, decided to marry him, and still loved him through out all of the obstacles he face during his weight loss journey.

  • Mariely Solorio Rojas

    The main reason why I chose this video is because I’ve never been a confident person. I have always struggled feeling confident about myself. I have always compared myself with others, especially going into a very competitive nursing career where I am constantly comparing my intelligence with other students. I’m constantly doubting myself and putting myself down. I’m constantly feeling “not good enough” and doubting what I do know. I found this video very motivational, helpful, and inspiring. I strongly agree that “Confidence isn’t walking into a room thinking that you’re better than anyone. It’s walking in knowing that you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone”.
