Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Fall 2020


First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach Lasota

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  • Nora Shamoon

    Huntington’s Genetics Expert, Dr. Nancy Wexler.

    Dr. Nancy Wexler is an extraordinary expert in the field of genetics. Specifically, she studies Huntington’s Disease at a molecular level. After her mom and 3 uncles where diagnosed with Huntington’s disease, her and her father formed a research group aimed at finding a way to mitigate the terrible harms that this disease causes. Their research on Huntington’s started at a secluded island in Venezuela. They studied a large family with an extremely high occurrence of Huntington’s.

    There, Dr. Wexler and her group found the location of the genes that give rise to Huntington’s. This was a monumental finding in the process of mitigating this terrible disease. Personally, I think Dr. Wexler is a strong, fantastic and inspiring individual and scientist. I first learned about her 4 years ago in my first biology class. Since there, I have been enthralled by her perseverance and grace during this chanenging research endeavor.

  • Salena Montalvo

    Salena Deane Montalvo
    Jim Carrey has always inspired to me no matter what is going on to keep going. He explains that the easy road is always there and it looks nice, but the work is worth it. He has taught me to love myself, decisions, and life. He has taught me nothing comes out of putting oneself down, life will have its hardships, but it is only up to us to keep pushing. I love it when he says, “bliss comes in waves”; meaning you can not have good times without the bad, the bad has to happen and exist for the good times to exist. Therefore, KEEP GOING and YOU ARE WORTH SOMETHING! If you think; you exist and thus, you are here for a reason. Have faith in yourself, YOU have it in you to be whoever you want to be and do what you want to do, so go be GREAT!

  • Oscar Islas
    Hello my name is Oscar Islas and I chose this particular video clip because Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has always been someone that has inspired me through his story. He talks about his back being up against the wall multiple times growing up and trying to make it in both wrestling and Hollywood. He also talks about his ideology and mindset which includes being the most hardworking guy in the room and never forgetting where you came from. This is something that I greatly admire, and I often try my hardest to implement both into my mindset. His classic story about only having seven bucks in his pocket after failing at football, but continuing to move forward to eventually becoming a successful wrestler and Hollywood actor is one of the most inspiring tales of motivation and success I’ve ever heard.

  • Manuel Espinoza
    I chose to use this video about Darren Waller’s sobriety journey as my motivational assignment, because it demonstrates how we can all succeed even if we first fail. Waller had hit rock bottom with his drug addiction which he said started at the age of 15, and he chose to use drugs to oppress the bullying that happened while he was in school. His football talent allowed him to get a college scholarship, however, he still kept doing drugs and when he was drafted in the NFL he still couldn’t stop his addiction with multiple drugs and the NFL suspended him for a year, after he failed his drug tests with his team also cutting him in the process. The reason why I felt inspired by his story is that he finally changes his whole life around when he has a near death experience during one of his drug sessions and decides to get help and goes into drug rehabilitation successfully and even finds a job at a Sprouts. During this time he continued to work and practice hard with the hopes of getting a second chance in the NFL not letting his second chance at life go to waste. Darren Waller had faced the terrible experiences of being addicted to drugs and bounced back by becoming sober and valuing the hard work and dedication needed to be successful not allowing himself to be labeled a victim and I believe that Waller can help other addicts by sharing his story and if we know a close friend or family member that is a drug addict, we can tell them to seek help right away because the drugs cannot get you where you need to be in life. Only you and your dedication to your craft can help accomplish the goals you set in life and even if you do not succeed the first time; the constant work ethic will one day pay off like it did for Darren Waller.

  • Abby Dalton

    Abigail Dalton

    I know this clip is from a movie (one of the best films ever made), but I have always found this scene to be very motivating. Aragorn is giving a speech to the men of Rohan and Gondor as they are about to assault the Black Gate of Mordor. The odds are definitely not in their favor, but Aragorn reminds them that they have courage and a reason to fight. This reminds me that when life throws a situation that is bleak or horrible, you can always find courage, hope, and a reason to fight and not give up. Our fight could be a battle against cancer, jobs, school, or anything else that challenges our physical and mental wellbeing. We can always find hope though, and we always have the option to fight back. Who knows….a small hobbit might just drop a ring into Mount Doom.

  • Xochitl Esparza

    I chose this Disney motivational video because I like to watch Disney movies even when I was a kid and as kids, we think the world isn’t full of problems, it’s a world with peace, love, and happiness. Yet as we get older, we really get to see how the world and our life isn’t perfect. Sometimes life hits us with all these challenges that could change our life. During those challenges, we could feel stressed, may have anxiety, and maybe feel like we should give up on our goals and our dreams. Although by having the support and the right mindset we are able to reach our goals and our dreams. As one of my favorite quotes say, “don’t give up because of one bad chapter in your life…keep going your story doesn’t end here.”

  • Lacey Hicks

    My name is Lacey Hicks and I found this video to be personally motivational to me. This video focuses on the individual and their self-drive and self-motivation. We all have goals that we are striving for, but how many of us are actually doing something to get to that goal, whether that be hard work or sacrifice. The video mentions that it is hard to be self-driven whether it be for a career, school, or getting in shape. It is easy to give-up and quit and it is a lot harder to keep going and to fight for whatever that end goal may be. I really liked that the video emphasized that it does not matter if no one is there to push you through the day because you have yourself to initially be your own drill sergeant.

  • Aaron Mendoza

    I chose this video due to the fact that I am a Kobe Bryant fan and idolize his unrivaled work ethic. This video along with many other similar videos that I nearly picked showcase Kobe Bryant’s thoughts and mentality on how to better yourself. It may be in a sport or another skill, but it all starts with having the will and determination to work longer and harder than you may normally consider. His example of this from his career is how he describes his workout and practice schedule. He was in the gym around 4:00 in the morning and had multiple training sessions until noon, which is when many guys are barely coming in to start training. The overall message is you have to be willing to work harder than you may think you are capable of as well as having the ability to correct mistakes and errors that are holding you back from reaching full potential.

  • Breanna Vandagriff

    I choose this video because it makes people look at our day in a different perspective. When you see that huge celebrities like Oprah have the same 24 hours in her day, you believe that you can do more in your day like them. You see how successful they are and think that you can do it too cause everyone has the same hours in their day. How successful you will be is how you take advantage of your 24 hours in a day. The only difference between a broke person and a rich person is how wisely the use their 24 hours. The motivational speaker in the video went from a high school drop out to selling 6,000 books in less than 6 months because he got a grip of his 24 hours in his day. Everyone is able to work hard to get where they dream to be at in their lives because everyone has the same number of hours in their days.

  • Hunter Ginger
    Hi everyone, my name is Hunter Ginger. A clip that I find motivating is the story of Las Vegas Raiders running back, Josh Jacobs. I say this because his story goes to show that no matter the circumstances you are put in throughout your life, as long as you aspire to reach your goals you can! Josh and his four other siblings were left homeless with their father, Marty Jacobs, after the two parents had separated. They were constantly jumping around from hotel to hotel, even sleeping in their car. Nonetheless, even through the struggle, Marty was able to make sacrifices to find a way for his son to succeed and reach his dream of playing in the NFL after attending the University of Alabama. He is now one of the top running backs in the league. Josh is my biggest role model to this day because I went through similar struggles growing up, but that hasn’t stopped me from pursuing my dreams nor did it stop him. Go Raiders!

  • Kenia Montoya

    My name is Kenia Montoya and I chose this video because it speaks about targeting one goal at a time. I myself can relate to this video because many times I have felt like I am taking too long to achieve a milestone in my life, but reality is everyone succeeds at our own pace. It is important to remember to not give and to believe in yourself that it is possible. Whether it is today, tomorrow, or in the far future, it will be possible. All we have to do is believe in ourself and never give up. Slow progress is better than no progress.

  • Melissa Ceja
    My name is Melissa Ceja and I found this speech given by Ciara really inspirational. I also feel like a lot of what she mentions is a lot of what I relate to. In the past few years, more than ever, I have been focusing on my future. I consider myself an entrepreneur, and my own boss making money through social media. When I first started, I was really impatient with things. I wanted and expected results, rewards, etc within the next day. Now, I understand that things, good things, take time. And if something does not happen, it’s for a reason. As she says, there will be more downfalls, more “no’s” but I’ve learned to take a lot of what has happened throughout my life, whether it’s good or bad, to empower and motivate me.

  • Adriana Orozco
    This video is a motivational speech done by Michelle Obama. The reason I chose this video is because of how empowering it is. Michelle makes it known that we as individuals must question “Who we are going to be?”. It’s important for us to engage into the world with open heart and open mind. As I move forward as a graduate, I often think to myself well what next? We come into this world relying on our education, when in reality we must also rely upon ourselves and what other qualities we bring. Skills and experiences develop within our background and culture. Michelle’s speech not only brought me a piece of comfort, but also made me realize that I matter.

  • Sofia Dominguez

    Hello, my name is Sofia Dominguez, this is not necessarily a video, but this audio is from Earl Nightingale’s book “The Strangest Secret in the World”. This audio was sent to me by my uncle about a year ago. It is a long audio, but the main idea is the “key” to a happy/financially positive life. This audio can be broken down in so many ways, people do not even have the patience to listen to it. But I highly suggest it, Nightingale talks about what success should be, success should essentially be because you as an individual are doing something that you want to do, something that will benefit you and show hard work. He explains how people with goals succeed, those who don’t, well they don’t. Now this is obviously a simple method, but listen to his analogies and details, he makes it very simple to understand. There is a lot more to this audio, more than I can possibly explain in a brief description, so I highly recommend listening to it. ” We become what we think about”

  • Cassandra Kroll

    Cassandra Kroll

    This video is a short motivational speech done by Deshauna Barber. I chose this video because it talks about never giving up and challenging yourself to reach your goals. Deshauna wanted to become miss USA, but in order to get there, she first had to win her state. It took her seven tries to win her state. Even with losing six times, she never gave up. Hearing the word “no” made her work harder and harder each time. Eventually she won her state and then her first try running for miss USA she won. I think everyone should live by her words. We are going to hear the word “no” in our life more than “yes”. We are going to fail a lot in our life, but we should take our failure and work harder. You cannot quit and give up when things get hard, you have to challenge yourself and work harder to get what you want in life.

  • Karina Cazarez Tello

    I chose the music video called Llegara by Myke Tower for my motivational video because every time I am feeling unmotivated, I listen to this song and it pushes me to work harder. This song is in Spanish and overall it talks about having patience and working hard because one day your hard work will pay off. In the song, Myke Towers talks about how in the beginning all he had was a dream of becoming a well-known rapper and now people pay to watch him perform, I find this really motivating because he believed in himself and he didn’t give up when things got tuff. Life has its ups and downs but as long as you believe in yourself anything you set your mind to is possible and this song confirms that. In the song, he as well talks about to never look at things with a negative mindset but always with a positive mindset because everything that occurs in our life is to better us for future occurrences. As I listen to this song it makes me feel at peace because I know that all my hard work and effort will pay off in the future even if I feel stressed out. This song also makes me feel like anything is possible if I believe in myself because I should always be my biggest fan.

  • Yareli Trujillo
    Hello, I chose this video/song because I honestly like the meaning behind this song. It is in spanish but Rene, the man in the video sings/talks about how hard his life has been and all the obstacles he has had to face but even when he was about to give up he kept on going. Throughout his life he felt alone and he had a hard life but yet he would keep on fighting and trying to overcome his problems and everyone around him would not notice. People thought he was okay. The only person he knew that will always be there is his mother. Overall, the message this song gives is that no matter how hard life gets, always keep facing forward and keep going. Little by little you will accomplish your goals.

  • Camile Tolentino
    When I feel lost or hopeless, I listen to this song. Not too long ago I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and have to take a medication for help. Mental health is something my family looks down on and to this day, I have not really told any of them about it. My last semester is this one and I have been struggling. I hope that everyone is doing well and safe in this pandemic. It is hard and limiting us to do the things we like or see the people we love, but we have to keep going and find other ways to work around it.

  • Tristan Palmer

    I chose this video because Kobe Bryant was my childhood hero. I am a huge Lakers fan, and some of my best memories as a child was watching Kobe Bryant play. He had one of the best work ethics I’ve ever seen, and he used that work ethic to become a great basketball player and person. When he passed away earlier this year, I was extremely sad and could not believe it. I still like to watch motivational videos of Kobe Bryant such as this one.

  • Ian Vazquez

    Hello everyone, I chose this video clip because I like the message Matthew McConaughey sent in his small “Hero” speech. In his speech he tells us that when he was 15 years old, he was asked by a person who his hero was, and he replied himself in 10 years. He says he is his own hero but he’s never going to his hero but that’s fine with him because it keeps him with somebody to keep on chasing. I liked his speech because it could be applied to real life. It gives us a sense of drive to follow our “hero” and never stop trying to achieve it. Our “hero” is a variety of different things, it could be whatever we look up to, whatever it is we look forward to, whoever it is we are chasing. I tend to listen to his speech every day because it motivates me to continue chasing my “hero” which in this case is me looking forward to becoming a much better person and achieving my dreams.

  • Jesse Stone
    Hello my name is Jesse Stone. This is a clip that is special to me. It’s purpose is to acknowledge your failures and to move past them. Throughout my high school years, I struggled with health problems that required me to lose weight to get other them. I found this very difficult. I was failed many times and wanted to quit. When I felt like I had lost, I would listen to this video. It would motivate me to keep trying. I eventually succeeded and became healthy. I am very thankful for this video. It may just be a bunch of clips and voice lines mixed together, but it helped change my life.

  • Aubrey Cayabyab
    Hi my name is Aubrey Cayabyab. The video I chose is a clip from the film Patch Adams and this movie, and honestly any Robin Williams movie is motivational to me. I find this clip inspirational because it emphasizes treating people with humanity, kindness, valuing humor, life, love, and cultivating relationships. The speech in the video calls out the robotic, cold, and scientific persona doctors adopt. They forget to treat their patients as equals, people, and I love how this movie revolves around the importance being kind, empathetic, and just remembering to laugh in the darkest of times. Patch Adams suffers so much, he goes through a tremendous amount of loss, yet still finds it in himself to keep going, smile, and make others laugh. I love when his patients come in at the towards the end with the clown noses and how he made hospitals appear welcoming and not intimidating. This movie rips out my soul then gently places it back inside and this clip reminds me that there is so much joy in this world. There is so much happiness left for me to experience and so much kindness I still have left to give. I also chose this video because I remember my aunt feeling very appreciated when he pointed to the nurses in this scene.

  • Daniel Lopez

    This video clip is of an artist named Scott Mescudi, or also known as Kid Cudi. The speech Scott gives generally revolves around his life, more specifically his teens and his young adulthood. The reason why this video has stuck with me over the years is because of the message Scott gives while simply talking about his own life; the struggles of lacking a father figure while living in a small town without a clue on what you should do or be is something many people can relate to, myself included. The way Scott spoke and presented himself gravitated towards me because I could see bits of my own mannerism and thinking in his words as well. Within the 19 minute speech, Scott makes you feel his anxiety when describing how he grew up and his happiness when describing his climb in the music industry. The discipline Scott took while perfecting his craft is something that I think many people can take away from this speech.