Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Fall 2023


First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach LaSota

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  • Helen Ngo

    Helen Ngo

    My video is a documentary of a modern guitar phenomenon, Tim Henson. I find this video inspiring because Tim Henson is a self taught guitarist that only mastered the instrument as a means to cope and release himself from a tough upbringing. He is a independent artist that co-founded the band Polyphia all while balancing a college education and work. He is the definition of one who uses perseverence, practice, and skill to achieve success while sharing his gift to others. This is inspiring to me as another self taught guitarist because it shows that there is value and fuel in bringing passion into an art. The skill, knowledge, theory can all come in after through wit and endurance.

  • Juan Garcia

    Juan Garcia

    Hello class, I have attached a video that I find motivational. At first the video talks about struggles that we complain and overthink but then the video explains how there is bigger problems that have no comparison to our basic problems. In addition the video shows how we are in a rush all the time and we tend to not pay attention to our family members or close relative because we focus on one thing. Our target becomes our priority and we just put everything aside ignoring all the input and the real people that have guided us. I find this motivational and whenever I have a bad day I think about how all my family have guided me to be successful and how my problems can be overcome.

  • Kylie Herren
    The video is by Mel Robbins and is about how procrastination is a habit and that people are not procrastinators. Robbins talked about how procrastination is because people are trying to avoid stress and that a way to stop procrastination is by trying to start and work for five minutes as people avoid and procrastinate things they are stressing about. I chose the video because I used to struggle with procrastination a lot because I would be stressed out and not want to start but put it off instead. I am much better with stopping myself from procrastinating now and I complete my work on time and a few days in advance if I can, but I still procrastinate from time to time. I have largely stopped my procrastination habit by scheduling what I need to do each day. The video is a way to help me remember how I cannot fall into the habit of procrastinating because procrastination does not solve anything but makes things more stressful and harder than they would be if I started whatever I needed to do on time.

  • Kristina Gavrilis

    Hello my name is Kristina Gavrilis and I chose a motivational video from Priyanka Chopra. I chose this video because many of the values she speaks about, I would love to do. She talks about being your true self and how you represent yourself. You only have one life so you need to see what you want to leave behind in your life and learn to take risks. Learning from your failures and being better and how you can learn and better from that failure. Having confidence and courage in our life is what drives us to do things we might be uncomfortable with. But doing uncomfortable things can bring opportunities to you. Everything that Priyanka was saying just really hit close to me and I would love to how her kind of mindset and hope that one day I will.

  • Genesis Enriquez

    Hi! My name is Genesis and I chose the attached video clip titled “Come On Kid, This Is Your Dream” by Freddy Fri. I found this video very motivational and inspiring to work hard and achieve my goals and dreams. I like that the video mentions that this is OUR life and we have full control and power of the outcome. We must turn our dreams, passions, missions, and purposes into action and make choices that will guide us to success.The speaker motivates listeners to believe in themselves and make the choice to power through. This video was a good reminder that setbacks in life are a journey to success, and we must keep going because this is OUR life and OUR dream.

  • Michael Shallow

    Hello, my name is Michael Shallow. I find this clip from the Rocky Balboa movie motivating. I find this clip motivating because Rocky gives a good speech about life, specifically how life knocks us down repeatedly. If you want to be successful or achieve your goals, you have to roll with the punches and keep moving forward no matter what life throws at you. I think that the message Rocky send is impactful and can apply to pretty much everyone.

  • Renee Velazquez

    Hi my name is Renee Velazquez and I decided to post the TED Talk “The psychology of self-motivation” by Scott Geller. One of the main points that he discusses is the idea that students are failure avoiders rather than success seekers. This is something that I struggle with constantly and hearing Geller tell me this opened my eyes. Instead of thinking about how I have to go to this class because it’s required, I should rather think about how it an opportunity that many don’t get. This video really opened my eyes to how I go about schooling and that I need to make changes to better myself.

  • Esmeralda G
    Hi, my name is Esmeralda Garcia and I decided to post the “Are You Working on Something” by T.D Jakes. The main points he discusses in the video is how we miss out on fun things in life because we are working on something. He states how anytime we are working on something we go through a period of suffering. The part that really motivated me was when he stated, “if you lose over here you are going to win over there.” Reaching a goal comes with failures, giving up on doing fun stuff, but when you work on something at the end it is all worth it.

  • Ruben Quijas-Luna

    My name is Ruben Quijas-Luna and I chose this “Lionel Messi – WORLD CHAMPION – Movie” video. The reason why I chose this video is because it features my favorite athlete and because of the meaning behind it. Before and during the World Cup there was a lot of people doubting him. We also see how much he went through including the setbacks and criticism. Therefore, it was really inspiring and motivational when he ended up winning the World Cup.

  • Jackeline Perez

    My name is Jackeline Perez and the video clip that I chose is mini speech from Grey’s Anatomy. I chose this video clip because I think it sums up how many of us feel at times. Sometimes we have this expectation of how something is meant to go a certain way but doesn’t. It makes us feel that we failed and aren’t meant to continue trying, however the video clip goes into detail how we aren’t always going to be good at everything and have to continue trying even if it means failing. Another reason I chose this is video clip is because there are times where I feel I’m not good enough but remind myself that failure means growth and learning something.

  • Priscila Estrella
    My name is Priscila Estrella, and I chose this video from The Pursuit of Happiness. This clip very much inspires me because even in a circumstance where there was a high chance he would not get hired because his attire was not proper, he still took the chance. For me I think that I many times stop myself from doing something because I am scared of failure. But if you never try you are already failing. That is something I have been working on for so long, to just take chance and don’t let the fear of failure stop me from looking for opportunities that could potentially benefit me in my life.

  • Ryanna Quarto

    My name is Ryanna Quarto and I chose this video clip because it resonates with me a lot. This video reminds me that whenever I’m going through a tough time, everything will be okay and I will get through it. It is important to keep reminding myself to stay strong and be proud of myself for working hard. This speech is inspirational and has given me the motivation to keep focusing on the good things in life. A quote that stood out to me was, “Don’t cry to give up, cry to keep going. Don’t cry to quit. You’re already in pain, you’re already hurt, get a reward from it. At the end of pain is success.”

  • Mitchell Pacheco
    My name is Mitchell Pacheco and I chose this video of Kobe Bryant. The reason I chose this video was because I think everything he says in here is very true. He talks about finding what your passionate about and giving that your all. One thing I like that he brings out is that if you are doing something you don’t like do something else which I think is great because I think everyone should chase what they love in life. I also like how he brings out getting better every single day. I feel like that is a great mindset to look at life just getting better each day and working towards whatever it may be. Another thing I like that he brings out is people looking at the end result of what we want or something we want to accomplish but there are multiple steps we need to take before that and I think that’s a good think to think about because we can get so stuck on the future and what we want to do instead of focusing on the now and taking it step by step and enjoying the process. Which leads to when he talks about enjoying the moment which I think everyone should. Sometimes you don’t realize the situation you are in is something you’ve been working towards or something that doesn’t come around often and its good to sit back and take it all in. Overall I just really like his work ethic and his mindset of working hard everyday, keep going no matter what and doing what you love and giving it your all work which I think that is great for anyone in life.

  • Anolin Avanes Hasghil

    Hi, my name is Anolin, and I chose a video from a Steve Harvey speech. The video is titled “Waking Up Right”, and Steve starts off by telling a story from his past which I found very inspiring. I decided to choose this video because I have watched a lot of Steve Harvey videos and find him to be very motivating and inspiring, specifically this video. His message in this video is that you should wake up every morning with a positive attitude because your attitude determines your altitude in life. This highlights the impact our mindset can have on our experiences. One powerful quote from the video is “ People wake up with a bad attitude and wonder why they are having a bad day.” I find this video to be motivating because choosing to have a positive mindset in the morning can lead to better experiences and outcomes during the day.

  • David Hood

    Hello my name is David Hood. I chose this video of Lionel Messi for a couple reasons. Its first of all very motivating and astonishing to watch. Messi went from a kid with problems of growth and not being rich to using what he’s good at to get him to be a better person and do what he loves to do as a job and live freely for the rest of his life. This video reminds me to continue to do what I love and that one day it will pay off in my favor.

  • Marcas Smith
    Hi, My name is Marcas and I chose the video “How to Stop Negative Self-Talk.” I feel like I resonate with this video because its not like typical self-motivation videos which can be a bit aggressive and add additional stress. This video also addresses the issue of Negative self talk, something that I have struggled with for a while now, and reminds me that it only serves to lower my self-confidence and self-worth. This is important because I used to think that negative self talk was some perverse sort of motivation. Now, I try to be kinder to myself and surround myself with people who care about me and remind me of my worth

  • Christopher Cerda

    Christopher Cerda here and I just wanted to post this speech about denzel washington speaking to a graduating class at Penn State. He goes into the his philosophy of falling forward in life and that falling backwards impedes progress. Do not be afraid to take calculated risks because every stumble gets you closer to your goals and desires. I actually performed this speech in a competition where we had to deliver popular speeches. The best delivery won a reward and it really gave me the courage to become confortable in failing.

  • Irene Garcia

    Hi, this is Irene Garcia sharing my motivational video. I chose this video because like everyone else, I have my doubts that I’m on the right life path, or that I’ve made a mistake along the way. We are all human, and like Lisa Kudrow explains “there’s so much at stake when we’re in our twenties”, which is what it feels like. Even if we’re not in our twenties during an intense moment of our lives, every failure can feel like the end of what was supposed to be our journey or the end of the opportunity that we had. This speech, in my opinion, doesn’t have to be applied to career focused topics, but any place that we think applicable. There will be many failures, and though I definitely don’t try to fail, I don’t regret of where life has taken me. My path has made me learn lots of things, and for those lessons, I am grateful.

  • Joseph Sada

    Hello everyone, my name is Joseph Sada and the motivational video I chose to share is “Imagination is Everything” by Steve Harvey. This video really resonated with me because he started off with a very interesting hook. He is basically trying to get us to the conclusion that God wakes us up each morning for a specific reason. If we don’t wake up that means there is nothing waiting for us. Since we do wake up there will be something out there for us. We just need to figure out what’s out there waiting for us. Imagination is innovation and it gives us a preview into what life can become. Without imagination we would be unable to set goals for ourselves. We wouldn’t have a future we built in our minds to desire. Imagination is like an artist with his muse, he uses this as inspiration to complete the painting. Our future is waiting for us, we just have to seize it.

  • Alex Rocha

    Alex Rocha here and the video I chose is a Kobe Bryant Video. I grew up admiring Kobe and his work. When he passed away, it was really hard for me. That was the first time I had cried for a celebrity. I liked his heart and work ethic. When I was feeling down and out, I would listen to some of his speeches and it was go time. Not only that but playing basketball that’s who I wanted to be like. In all honesty I learned discipline because of that man.

  • Emily Rios
    Hi my name is Emily Rios and the motivational video that I decided to share was Kanye West’s speech at the 2005 Grammy’s. I decided on this speech to put it as my motivational video because personally it is one of my favorite speeches. It resonates with me a lot because I am an over-thinker and am constantly thinking about the future. But when I watch this video it reminds me to live one day at a time and allow things to unfold by themselves. Not only this but to pause sometimes and to genuinely enjoy the present moment as I am only young once and will never get to experience these moments again. Overall it motivates and reminds me to keep going no matter how rough things might get because things can only get better from here.

  • Kassandra Rodriguez

    Hi my name is Kassandra Rodríguez. I chose to share this video from Youtube because I was nicknamed The Beast was I was little due to playing sports and I always stuck to listening to videos about Beast mode mentally. I enjoy this video because it is short, but it gets to me. Mt favorite part is how it talks about turning the switch on and going and getting what we want. This video is meant to inspired you in any situation, it is about not just talking about our dreams but getting up and going for it. Success and greatness is never on sale, we have to pay the full price and more sometimes to get what we want, but its about not giving up and staying in Beast Mode. We need to work and allow for the problems to be a part of the journey, but dont let it haunt you, you need to go after it and not run away from what we are afraid of. We need to slay what we want and getting up early. We got to sleep when done not when we are tired. My favorite quote is that everyone wants to be a beast until they have to do what beast do. I feel that this goes to show that all people speak of wanting to be better, but its those who actually take action that do what true beast do. I love watching these types of videos before a gym session, big exam, and even when I am feeling down and need that reminder that what I am doing is for a reason and I need to keep pushing forward. I also love to listen to motivational podcasts as well that help me clear my mind and allow me to connect with my inner self to keep moving forward even on the bad days and to enjoy the feeling of the goods ones.

  • Naiza Vivanco

    Hi, my name is Naiza Vivanco and I chose this clip of Steve Harvey. Mr. Harvey explains that at some point we go through something that makes us wan to give up. There are two options: quit or keep pushing through. However, if you decide to quit it is guaranteed that it will never happen. This is very powerful to me because I have encountered so many moments where I was ready to just stop pursuing my dreams because of the obstacles that are being thrown at me. The only thing to keep me going is because I don’t want to live with any “what if’s” like “what if I kept going?” or “what if I just tried one more time?” It is better to fight for what you want even if it tough rather than to simply not try.