Friday, March 7th, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Fall 2024


First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach LaSota

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  • Alexia Gonzalez
    I found this video extremely motivational for myself because I agree that we need to be ambitious in order to get what we want. Others may see being ambitious as something bad but if we don't work for what we want we will not have it. We need to surround ourselves by relationships that are going to help us rise and get to where we want to be. Having a partner who is not willing to change their ways or work on similar goals, is someone who should not be in your life. Just like, Priyanka stated that her father was a big inspiration to her, my dad has always been there to show me that everything is possible, he came to a new country to give his family everything. His ambition is giving us everything to see us happy. Women should be there to support each other and help move us into top ranks.

  • Natalia Issa The concept of self-worth is unaffected by external events or hardship as shown in this clip. The speaker used a dollar bill as a metaphor for human value, showing that its value is unaffected by how much it have been crumpled, trampled or damaged. In the same way, he stresses that a person's fundamental worth remains unaffected by any hardships, or felt like they had lost "value." It serves as a lesson of perseverance and self worth despite hardship. I think this is a positive message, may inspire and motivate anyone who may be experiencing hardships, telling them to "dust themselves off" and keep going.

  • None The concept of self-worth is unaffected by external events or hardship as shown in this clip. The speaker used a dollar bill as a metaphor for human value, showing that its value is unaffected by how much it has been crumpled, trampled or damaged. In the same way, he stresses that a person's fundamental worth remains unaffected by any hardships or felt like they had lost "value." It serves as a lesson of perseverance and self-worth despite hardship. I think this is a positive message, may inspire and motivate anyone who may be experiencing hardships, telling them to "dust themselves off" and keep going.

  • Juan Gonzalez

    Juan Gonzalez
    The reason why I picked this video was because watching Joe Burrow in the 2019 season was nothing but beautiful. The way he was able to turn his career around is truly one of a kind. It's not very common with a college football player goes from barely playing and not being "good enough" to being the best player in the league and winning the most precise reward. He was able to turn a failing career to one of the best of all time, in one year. This video shows me that it's never to late to do something in life. And the speech he gives is beautiful!

  • Chloe Aranda

    Chloe Aranda As Christians, we're called to carry our crosses daily. It can be easy to fall into the temptation of despair or even distract ourselves from inevitable suffering. This video showed me that we don't have to go about our suffering on our own. Suffering was permitted, but it wasn't left to us so that we would be tortured, but that we may endure and unite it with the One who endured it all first. I really like that it turns suffering as something that can be embraced, to look upon with joy. This theme of self-denial, losing your life for His sake, in turn of something greater to come: eternal life, unity with Him, is so profound to me. Suffering doesn't have to be completely sorrowful. It's often something terrible yes, but we can choose to persevere, remain joyful, authentic despite the pain.

  • Mia Ruvalcaba

    Mia Ruvalcaba
    I choose this motivational video because of its intense and relentless message about perseverance and resilience. It highlights the importance of staying hungry and never becoming complacent, which connects with me. The video encourages viewers to embrace discomfort, inconvenience, and challenges as essential parts of growth and success. I was drawn to how it speaks to pushing beyond one’s limits, especially when it feels difficult, as this is a mindset I aim to develop in my own life. The video reminds me to keep moving forward, no matter the obstacles or challenges, and it motivates me to go after my goals with passion and determination, no matter what’s ahead.

  • Jacqueline Aguilar

    Jacqueline Aguilar Before explaining why I chose this video, I wanted to say it was hard picking one video. There are so many good motivational videos out there. The reason why I picked this video was because it does a great job in encouraging people to start moving towards their goals. Eric Thomas makes it clear that you have to give it your all towards your dreams and goals, to give it 120% of your effort and time. He explains how someone that truly wants it will work for it. This motivates me to push myself more because I am capable. Sometimes we wish to achieve certain things without putting effort and this video shows exactly why we should put in the work. It also shows how the journey towards your goals is a battle with oneself. It is not between you and others. When you wish to achieve something, make sure to go against yourself to get better instead of going against others. I have always watched motivational videos, but this is by far one of my favorite ones.

  • Francis Angel Daroy
    Francis Daroy:
    This video was shown to me long ago and I spontaneously remembered it last night. The concept of grit was a critical reminder for me especially as I plan to apply to nursing school. I often start discouraging myself and destroying my self-confidence. I would in worry and rethink my choices and desire to push through because of the stress of keeping up my GPA and the subconscious thought of failure. Ms. Angela Duckworth was very reassuring in the video. Instead of intelligence, looks, or physical health, grit is what grants you success. By being consistent in my efforts, pushing through any challenge, and having a “growth mindset,” I will be successful in what I plan to do. Any obstacles I face in my plan I have to move through and come back stronger. This video has pushed me to be more consistent, and especially as the semester is closer to over, and we are excited for our breaks, it is a great reminder to keep working diligently and focus on our goals.

  • Marijo Vega

    Marijo Vega The reason I chose this video was because of the way David Goggins explains how to overcome personal struggles. His philosophy is very motivating as he emphasizes that mental toughness is just a journey, and it is up to us to push past it. His philosophy is not about coddling but about brutal honesty and commitment to bettering yourself. He states how everything is a mind game and if you want to do better you must get yourself to be better as you are the only one that can. When we push ourselves past perceived limitations we can then strive for excellence.

  • Cassandra Vivanco
    Name: Cassandra Vivanco

    I chose this video because it shows how our choices in facing challenges can really affect our lives. It resonated with me when I first started working out, as I found Whitney Simmons' perspective very relatable. She shared how, when facing trials, she did not fight back at first, but allowed her setbacks to overwhelm her, leaving her feeling "worthless and hopeless" in a state of self-pity. However, instead of giving in and finding the strength to keep going, Whitney turned to the gym, not for physical results, but to clear her mind and gain a fresh perspective. Her story reminded me that even during tough moments, we could grow, and that "each and every day is a beautiful day to be alive." It is a reminder that no matter how challenging life gets, we always have the power to rise, learn, and become stronger than before.

  • Vianey Lechuga
    I chose this video because it shows how time is one of the most important resources available for success. Every single person, no matter who, only has 24 hours in a day. This emphasizes the importance of valuing time and making the most of each 24-hour day because success is built on consistent daily efforts. How we use this time determines our achievements. The video's speaker says that this same mindset went from him being broke to achieving to selling 6,000 books in six months. By creating a 24-hour schedule that works towards goals and the life you want, those dreams become closer to reach.

  • Shimen After viewing many different clips on YouTube in regard to motivational speeches I chose this one because it was the most motivating to me. As a nursing student it's hard to stay motivated through school because your grade really determines a lot about you but with this in this video no matter how much money it is it is still money it's trying to see that you have value in yourself no matter what. One grade will not determine what you are worth that is the biggest message that I got when watching this video and that when you are in college it feels like that but really in the overall picture of life that's not what it really means. I think students really forget that they are not worth just one grade in one class by one professor by anyone it's truly what you the worthy are you worthy? I think that is a question that one must ask for themselves, no one can determine that for you but yourself.

  • Amy Xiong
    After going through a few motivational videos, I have found this one about “no excuses” as the one that spoke out to me the most. The reason I chose to share this video is because I feel like it can relate to everyone in a way. For example, trying to accomplish something but always putting it off due to excuses or things that they believe gets in the way. I can strongly relate to this video because there are many times where I find myself helping others more due to not having enough time for myself. Overall, I believe that this video can help motivate people to face their challenges and not let it become an excuse or regret in the long run.

  • mercedes davila

    motivational video When told to choose a motivational video to share, I thought of this video so fast. I grew up in a family that exceedingly pushed me to go to college straight out of high school even though I knew I wasn't ready for it. As a result, I dropped out my first semester and ended up taking a gap year. Now, this is my third semester at a new college, and I am doing way better than I was in 2022. When deciding to go back to school, this video clip is what got me through the "tough" parts of trying to balance life, school, and work.

  • Nehemiah Prado I chose this video even though it's short because the lesson shown in this video is very important to not only myself but to others aspiring to reach their goals in life. For me being an athlete the mental part of the game can be the most important in order to have success in your sport. If you can believe and see success in your head then the results on the field will follow. In life nothing is given to you, so you have to go out and work for it and be hungry for it. Relating to that point, if you want to achieve or obtain something you have to truly want it and be willing to do whatever it takes to win. I have seen this video many times throughout the past few years to remind myself of what it takes to achieve the goals that I have for myself.

  • Caleb Henry

    Lebron James I chose this clip for different reasons, one of those reasons is because Lebron James is my favorite basketball player. Lebron's mental and physical strength is like no other. In this clip it has parts from when he was young and parts as he got older as well and his mindset since he was young is the same mindset he has had through his career. He talks about not taking anything for granted and playing every night like it's his last. Lebron is 39 years old, soon to be 40 and he is still dominating at an elite level and even though he has slowed down it's hard to tell. He's had such an impact on sports that he's broken many records and was even able to influence the Lakers organization to draft his son.

  • aileen mojica
    I chose this video because it can help many view their dreams in different perspectives. Our dreams can be reality or imagination based on the way we perceive them. Our dreams can also make us motivated or become better people. We all have dreams and many times we face challenges where we decide to keep pushing forward or just stop. To me, challenges are viewed as a test and a lesson. If I fail or pass a challenge, I learn something from it. The video also mentions how many just like to complain but not do anything about it. Which is true, I've complained many times about something but didn't do anything. This video is very inspirational on how we must follow are dreams and keep pushing no matter the circumstances that may present on its way.

  • Daniel Palma I chose this video because it was the first video that came to mind when I thought of a motivational video. Especially because this video is the reason I am in the major I am today. The video talks about our existence to the cosmos in a very poetic way. The video discusses how the atoms that comprise our bodies are the same atoms that stars are/have forged in their cores. Seeing things though this lens gives me a sense of belonging to something greater than myself.

  • Fatima Piceno
    I chose this video because it could motivate not only myself but also my classmates as we are approaching finals week. Some of us might have people who bring us down and tell us that we aren’t capable of achieving our goals in life. This is a great reminder for us to ignore those negative comments or rather use them as fuel to succeed in life whether it's obtaining good grades, earning a diploma, getting a job or reaching those goals we have set for ourselves. This video inspires us to get up everyday, to take action, to have determination, to get out of our comfort zones and go “ALL IN”. Oftentimes we may think that we are doing enough, but in reality there is so much more we could do and are capable of.

  • Sothi Yoeun

    Motivational Video I chose this video because I found it very interesting to see how he describes our minds as a prison. Although it may seem like much of a motivational speech, he delves deep into the idea that the only thing stopping us from reaching our full potential is our minds. He talks about how our minds give in to false predictions or comments about ourselves, and causes us to have doubt in our capabilities. However, he also explains how we can overcome our negative thinking or mindset by ignoring the negativity, and including more positive reinforcement. This way, we won't give in to doubt or be content with failure.

  • Devon Saechao I chose this video because it does a great job in motivating those out there who have no belief in themselves, myself included. In life, nothing comes easy and it requires oneself's own motivation to have achievement in life. There are obstacles and fears in life but when one has the mindset of "I CAN DO IT," THEY CAN DO IT. A part that stood out to me was when it said during times of struggle, discouragement, and no outside support, do NOT ever give up on yourself. I feel that this part of the video brings motivation for one to keep going and push themselves to achieve what they are going for. The last part of the video is very strong with the tone and message that is being given. Also, including the quote "It's not over, until I win," sums up the video's title "I CAN DO IT" and the overall message of self-motivation.

  • Desy M This is the video which I picked as a good source for motivation. In this video Steve Jobs shares 3 of his personal stories and every one of them has a good piece of motivation through it all. He gives real life experiences to share his motivation and help others become motivated and stay motivated. Watching this video I can see that Steve Jobs had a positive way of looking at things. Through all of his experiences he still managed to stay motivated and motivate himself as well as others that were around him. Overall, I think this video would be perfect for everyone.

  • Naydelin Rodriguez-Mendoza After looking through a few motivational videos I found this "YOU VS YOU" video motivating. It made me realize that sometimes we are our own enemies. We tend to want to blame others for our own choices. But, it is up to us to make a change for ourselves. We just need to discipline ourselves.

  • Fatima Raya

    Denzel Washington
    I found this video motivating because I am always thankful for what I have and what I have accomplished. I don’t know if you believe in God but putting God first in everything is something that not many do or don’t think about. Washington also says to fail big because we only live once and we should take chances professionally. Having dreams should always come with goals, discipline and consistency. Many think that by having motivation, will help us reach our dreams but with no discipline and consistency the motivation will always end. Also helping others is where the success is and it always brings joy.

  • Fatima Raya

    Denzel Washington
    I found this video motivating because I am always thankful for what I have and what I have accomplished. I don’t know if you believe in God but putting God first in everything is something that not many do or don’t think about. Washington also says to fail big because we only live once and we should take chances professionally. Having dreams should always come with goals, discipline and consistency. Many think that by having motivation, will help us reach our dreams but with no discipline and consistency the motivation will always end. Also helping others is where the success is and it always brings joy.

  • Angelica Ornelas

    Why You Procrastinate – and How to Stop it for Good I found this video discussing the issue of procrastination, including the common misconception that it is a matter of laziness. She explains that procrastination is a deeply psychological phenomenon, rooted in our emotions, beliefs, and habits. Smith highlights the universality of procrastination, acknowledging that it affects people from all walks of life. She provides practical strategies to overcome this challenge, giving viewers some tips on how to break free from the cycle of delay and regain control over their time and productivity. As someone who struggles with procrastination and very helpful with some of the tips she provided. I started creating my own deadlines for assignments so I don't stress myself out with them.

  • Fiona Wey
    I found this video not only interesting but helpful in regards to motivation. Within the video it discusses how intention is the most important thing for us to have and maintain when going about our day. I think that this is very important to remember especially since everyone is usually in their own constant routine and cycle. It is very easy to lose intention or possibly not even stop to think about what our intentions are, making it something nearly all people can relate to in a sense. If everyone had a strong intention with everything they did it would help fulfill themselves and possibly others.

  • Adrian Ontiveros

    I found this video very motivating and interesting as it's the trainer of both Jordan and Kobe, both who are regarded as some of the best players of all time. I choose this clip because ever since I was younger I've loved basketball and especially Lebron, Jordan and Kobe. And to hear advice from the trainer of two of the greatest is something that inspires me to hear the behind the scenes of what they were doing and how they adapted their mindset to become the winners that they became. To hear how they used their losses to motivate them to become winners, to become the greatest is truly inspiring. Also how even if you're scared, even if you have fear, never doubt yourself, to always believe that you can achieve what you are setting out to do

  • andrea Andrea Gomez

    I chose this video because not only is it motivational, it provides a narrative of how choosing to live unhappily makes us miss the important parts of life. I think this video is very helpful, especially to those that care too much about others that they leave themselves in the shadows. This videos talks about how trying to make other people happy, wanting them to like you, or just not putting time on yourself in general is "a waste of time". Making time for yourself, meeting your goals, and being initiative is the best way for people to achieve in life. Comparison is the thief of joy, we should only compare ourselves to our past selves to see how far we've come.

  • Yelena Ordonez

    Yelena Ordonez As I read the prompt, I instantly thought of Tom Brady and a video from NFL Films called "The Brady 6: Journal of the Legend NO ONE WANTED!" which I have watched numerous times since 2020. When this video was released in 2011, Brady had already achieved greatness with 3 Super Bowl victories, but no one could have predicted he would go on to win 4 more and make history with 7 championships out of 10 appearances. Overlooked everywhere he went, Brady had to constantly prove himself—from being a backup quarterback his freshman year in high school, spending two years as a backup in college, to being the 199th pick in the sixth round of the NFL Draft. As Brady once said, “Success doesn’t require being special—it requires being what most people aren’t: consistent, determined, and unwilling to take shortcuts.” His story taught me the importance of pushing past my own limits, finding ways to succeed even when things aren’t going my way, and resisting the urge to give up—because it’s this mentality that sets you apart from others and keeps you committed to putting in the work, even on the days when nothing feels right.

  • Amanda Do

    Amanda Do
    I chose this video because I find it to be inspiring how it explains that we should never quit and to continue going. My coach showed me this video and to this day, I remember it. It also relate to it because I have suffered through many injuries in soccer that has made me want to give up. I also implement in my daily life, where I chose not to quit doing things, such as school and work, even though it gets hard at times. This video sends a good message that hard times will always come, but we should never quit and give up our goals.

  • Yesenia Cervantes

    Yesenia Cervantes
    I chose this video from David Goggins. His approach is a lot more blunt than most but I think it really shakes me up when I need it to. There are times when I need a gentler push but sometimes, I really need someone like David to drill it into my head. He is the equivalent of taking an ice cold shower to wake up and become alert. Also, I really like how emphasizes how important it is to be vulnerable and even expect failure. However, without failure, can't be attained. This reminds me that perfectionism isn't attainable and I need to just keep pushing forward even when I fail. Lastly, he reminds viewers that it's you vs. you. There is not push to be better than other people. It's about being in a competition with yourself.

  • Jayden Miller
    When I think of inspiration, I think of David Goggins. He's a retired navy-seal and more who came from nothing. This video is a compilation of some of his clips. His approach comes off pretty vulgar or direct most of the time, but that type of tough love and hard facts are sometimes needed. One thing that stands out to me in this video is when he says you need to be uncommon amongst the uncommon. Or the parallel he makes when discussing the two voices in your head; the one that's keeps you comfortable and complacent, or the one one that tells you to get going.

  • Marley Moore
    This video was very inspiring to me when I first saw it a few months ago. Loving yourself and who you are is such an important thing to stay true to and to never put onto the back burner. It tells you that there are many reasons to love yourself and always want the best for you whether it makes the people around you happy or not. Prioritizing your happiness will make your life so much brighter and happier.