Friday, March 7th, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Spring 2018


Hi Class,

First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach Lasota

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  • Viridiana Van Den Hengel
    Hi Everyone!
    The reason I picked this video is because I know we are all students and we are trying to figure out our lives. I also decided to post this video because after I watched it I felt like I am on the right track. Most of the times I feel the struggle of life and being a student, but after the video I realized that I have what I takes to get what I want. We all can accomplish our goals, but sometimes just hearing it from someone else it helps. Good luck guys!!!

  • Cassondra Ledezma

    I chose this video clip because it really motivates one to take charge of their life and start making decisions for themselves. The voice in the video is also very empowering and makes one feel as if they can truly conquer their dreams. Although, the video clip displays people engaging in different types of physical activities the message can be applied to everyone. I think one of the most important messages that this video sends is that one’s past does not predict their future and that those mistakes should not hold one back. I personally think that it is a good reminder to hear because people can often get stuck in the past which messes with their mindset and can prevent them from conquering new challenges. Thus, this video motivates one to take action and to keep challenging themselves so that they can grow.

  • Sam

    The reason why I chose this clip is because stress is a huge issue for me. I have 17 units of classes, a part-time job, an internship, Greek life, a family five hours away, volunteering, health issues, etc. The list goes on and on and I never run out of things to do. This video allowed me to think of stress not as something to fear, but as a normal physiological process that allows my body to reach its full potential. I think that it would be very helpfl for my fellow classmates as well.

  • jvillalobos3

    I thought this speech was very motivational since the first time I heard it. This video is pretty lengthy but the whole speech was just amazing. I think it is motivational for many reasons because she really talks about the struggles and hardships that not only she faced but her husband as well. It just touched me because it taught me that you just have to work hard and keep your head and attitude up and one day you will get what you deserve. She just has a way of motivating me and others to have dignity and respect for one another. Helping each other means more than just helping but bettering yourself. She talks about having dignity and doing things fairly which to me shows that an ethical and honest woman she really is.

  • Kailyn Neves
    The clip I picked happened to be from the sports film “Facing the Giants” but the reason I picked this clip is because it is so much more than sports. This clip can relate to anything in life that you have to push through, whether it be school, family, health, even religion. I relate to this video because I know that life can be really tough at times but instead of giving up, I give it my all. Since I am religious, I view this coach as God telling me to keep pushing through because He knows I can. It is easy to feel like you want to give up when things get tough. I challenge everyone to watch this video and I guarantee as you view this video, you will feel the urge to push through whatever you has you feeling like you want to give up.
    I hope this clip is as inspirational to you all as it has been to me!
    Kailyn Neves

  • Halen Rego

    I like that this video encourages us to work for what we want. It reminds me that working hard to accomplish my goals and to accomplish success is required. We need to approach everyday with the intent of giving it our best effort. There is no success without effort, and not just minimal effort. I watch this video when I feel like I need a reminder to keep pushing through when things get difficult.

  • Gabriella Sandoval

    I chose this clip because I think this is an amazing documentary, and a truly important thing to realize. We are the leading nation in heart disease and diabetes, but this can be changed by simply changing our diet. Cutting out meats and diary and going vegan can help improve and lower the chance of many deadly diseases. This documentary shows how going vegan and “being your own medicine” can improve life expectancy and quality. I thought this was important to share because your diet is more important that you may think, and a lot of people take that for granted. If something as simple as changing your diet to plant based foods can help improve your life, why don’t more Americans make this change? This documentary is a real eye opener and has inspired many who have watched it to change their lives and become vegan.

  • Yer Thao

    The reason why I chose this clip is because Wallace had inspired people like me that life is more than earning a degree and says that I am a smart one. He talks about how the mind think, that makes the person/master the center of the universe, therefore everything is about the person. People tend to focus on themselves so much without thinking about others and their situation because of the default setting turned on, on a life daily basis where everything just repeat itself. What caught my attention most was Wallace’s opinion of worshiping whereas everyone have something they believe in. As such a person who worship money and things, will always feel poor and wanting more of what has had. It made me think beyond the center of my universe and to make better choices for myself when everything doesn’t seems to go the right way.

  • cesar calvillo
    I choose this video because I think that we should do what we want to do. We should have a goal in mind of what we want to be in the future. Yes, there is going to be an obstacle and people that will tell you what you should do. We should oversee does obstacles and knock them down and keep going to rich our goal. My goal was to graduate college and after so many years of trying to rich my goal. I am so close to obtaining my goal. It was hard and tiring but I did what I had to do. Now I am looking to the future and establishing a new goal, that I know I will rich maybe not today or tomorrow but one day I will.

  • Brooke Romero

    I choose this video to get more information on how sugar effects us because i have been trying to cut it out. I have been trying to loose weight and i figured cutting out sugar or going to the minimum amount of sugar on a daily would help. Sugar is sort of like a drug. If you cut it out and have a sugar meal once instead of a hearty meal you will have same response of other meal. Then if you eat it a lot it acts like a drug and gives you a lot of dopamine. I am still unsure why we are allowed to have this product in such high dosages in our foods.

  • Hue Thao

    I chose this video because it motivates me to stay on track with my morning run, school, work, and my work out activities. The video message is to never give up and basically do what you say you were going to do no matter what. I’m a person that set up a out goal but tends to not follow through with it because I always say to myself, I will do it tomorrow and end up scheduling it for the next day again. After watching this video, I was curious if doing what the message of the video really says will help start my day right and motivate me to achieve my goals. To my surprise, I do feel more motivated and find myself happier every time waking up in morning knowing that I have completed one of my goal and find myself feel more confident on achieving my next goal. Overall, this video help motivates me to muscle through a lot of activities and help me achieve a lot of my everyday goals.

  • Austin Rendon

    The video that I chose to post this week deals with one of my worst habits, that I feel like I constantly have to battle with, laziness. This may seem weird to people who know me because I go to school and work full time, try to stay caught up on schoolwork, as well as chores around the house, and I seem pretty busy. Yet, I know I could do more. But I often find that i will tell myself when I have a block of time of say thirty minutes to an hour, that I have earned a brief nap or period of rest. I played this video this afternoon when I first woke up after working last night on graveyard shift, and I immediately felt motivated to not only do my daily routine but to also go for a short jog around my neighborhood instead of hitting the snooze button. I hope to continue this trend moving foreward.

  • Jennifer Morfin

    I chose this video because at times I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing with my life and that I’m not enjoying it to the fullest. This video is a good motivator for finding your life’s purpose. A lot of times I feel like I don’t enjoy life like I should and I missing out, but the only way to enjoy this life is to appreciate each moment as the video says. I loved this video because it talks about all the things we want to do and that we should do them before it’s too late. We need to appreciate life to the fullest and do things we want to do and not wait till we are dying to say I wanted to do this and that because at that point it’ll be too late. I don’t want to wait until the end to find and do the things I wanted to do, so I want to live life like it was my last day as the video said.

  • Stacy Stewart

    I saw this short animation clip awhile ago and thought it was inspiring because of its unique story line and twist at the end. At first i felt bad for the dog because he was trying to be like a normal dog and play fetch, but he was having trouble. However, his differences did not stop him from wanting to play, which was very inspiring. It showed me that no matter the circumstances, if you are willing and dedicated, you can do anything you set your mind to. I also found the end motivational because it showed the boy getting up, who was also missing a leg. This caught me off guard and made me realize, do not judge a book by its cover. He had seemed mean and unsympathetic at first, but he was actually going through the same thing as the dog.

  • Joy Vang

    I chose this video because I sometimes find myself wanting others to tell me that I am doing good, in order for me to feel good. This video motivates me to stop fueling on other people’s compliments and to believe in myself. When there is no one there to compliment you, it is important to have the ability to be self driven. It motivates me to be happy about the achievements that I make, no matter how little. Sometimes we tend to ignore the little achievements because we think they aren’t worth celebrating, but they are the most important. They are the stepping stones to achieving your goal.

  • Jessica Meyer

    This video is really powerful. The speakers are so amazing and their word choice helps me to really not only hear, but to truly listen to what they are saying. I have recently realized that I should be spending my life and my time more wisely. I cannot spend my time rushing and not living my life, but to really live my own life. I should take everyday to do something I want to do. I am young now and I need to make the most of everyday when I wake up. This life is all we have

  • Amit Saini

    Hello my name is Amit Sani, the clip I chose to write about is “Animation-Never Give up” because after watching the video it made me release that no matter how many times you tend to fail but if you keep trying and not give up, you will achieve what you want. I really liked how this video made the connection of never giving up through a dog because at first the kid didn’t want to do anything with the dog but the dog didn’t give up and kept on coming back to the kid so they can play. As we can see the kid and dog got along in the end. This clip helped me show no matter what your struggle is (in this case the kid and the dog not having one of their leg) if you want to overcome something you will do it if you put the effort into it but overall I really liked this video and I would recommend other people to watch it.

  • Gabriela Castellanos

    “You can not succeed without the risk of failure.
    You can not have a voice without the risk of criticism
    You can not love without the risk of loss.
    Let’s go out and take these risks”
    With graduation approaching I cannot stop thing about “what if?” It is scary moment, what if I dont get a job with my degree? What if I was not prepared to the real world? What if I dont love what I do? But it is all about the risk of failing that should keep us motivated to improve. This video is one of the videos that makes me excited to graduated and start my career. I hope its motivated as well.

  • cynthia

    Hello, my name is Cynthia Chikrallah. I chose this video because it shows that even if you don’t get the highest grades in school, you should not give up on your dreams. Even if people judge you or make fun of you, you should not give up on your dreams. That is because if you don’t give up, your dreams will come true. I chose it because it also motivates me in a way. Unlike the person in the video, I never had people laugh at me because of what I want to be. However, there have been people that judge me because I chose to be a teacher and usually it is because of the money. I never cared though because I am doing what makes me happy. If I ever do feel down about it though I will have this video to motivate me, and hopefully it will motivate you too.

    Video Link:

  • Kayla Hernandez

    Hello, my name is Kayla Hernandez. I chose this clip because I’ve seen it before and I felt that it best fits under the motivational category. As a summary, the clip shows a young man being helpful in situations that he tries to contribute in any way possible. You can see that he offers what he has, even if it comes down to giving away his own food and the last of his money in his wallet. His everyday actions lead people coming back for more and a repetition cycle on his part. Though he is struggling with his own life, he doesn’t hesitate to be there for others. He doesn’t expect to receive anything in return, but to enjoy the happiness and growth of everyone else. One of the highlights that I found to be inspirational was when he was seen offering money to the mother and child on a daily basis. Due to his own desire to help, the young girl was able to attend school and earn an education, as you can see when she is shown wearing a school uniform. Even though the clip suggests that it is meant for students, I felt that it can be geared towards anyone. I chose the clip, because it shows that it doesn’t take much for one to help others. It makes me want to ask, “Have you taken time out of your day to help at least one person?”

  • Joe Greenwood

    Hi everyone, my name is Joseph Greenwood. The video that i chose is called Keep Failing And You Will Succeed. The video is a motivational video that involves E-Sports, which pertains to professional gaming. But the video also doesn’t only matter to E-Sports, but in every aspect in life. The overall theme is that we as humans experience failure and will have to struggle in order to succeed. A person may fail several times, but failure means that we can learn from mistakes and grow. As a gamer, I understand trying to get better at it and I see this video relates to my life outside of gaming. I hope that this video can inspire others to try their best at what every they are accomplishing. No matter how much we fail, eventually we will find that success as long as we keep trying.

  • Madison Nunes

    I first watched this video a few years ago in one of my Liberal Studies classes. I found the entire video to be extremely motivating for anyone who plans on going into the field of education. I plan on being a teacher, and this video makes me excited to empower my future students. Being a teacher is not easy and I work at an elementary school right now. There are days when the students are tough and the schedule is so hectic that you can’t wait to be off work. However, whenever I watch this video it makes me step back and realize what’s important. Rita Pierson, the Ted Speaker, offers great ways to help motivate yourself and your students alike.

  • Aurora Almonte Ulloa
    Hello. My name is Aurora Almonte.
    I chose this video because many of us in school, have a dream. We have a goal we would like to achieve when we graduate. I felt like this video is very important to help keep us motivated to continue working towards our dream. It can be difficult. There can be a situation that occurs in life that seems like a step back, or makes us feel like giving up, but it’s important to keep going. It’s important to not be afraid of failure and to take risks. As stated in the video, it might be necessary to separate yourself from people who drag you down, and to surround yourself with people who are motivated, and hungry to succeed. Surround yourself with people who have the same goals. Continue to go after your dream until you have achieved it.

  • Jennifer Galeana
    Hello, my name is Jennifer Galeana-Vasquez.
    I chose to share this video because Javier Sanchez is one of my favorite motivational speaker. I have had the privilege of listening him talk in person and meeting him, when I was a senior in high school. His story about his past really interested me and the way he connects to his audience is amazing. He talks about the future and really motivates youth in a wonderful way. He talks about some struggles that some youth in rough areas face and how by being good role models it can affect those watching us in a positive way. He was fortunate enough to have his TED talk and was able to share his story and his wisdom with more people.

  • Nazo Afzal

    Nazo Afzal
    I chose to share this video of Steve Jobs because as I am about to graduate college and apply to graduate programs. I find myself thinking about whether the career path that I am choosing is what I want. This video very motivating not only for myself but for those people around me that are just a little confused on what they want to do in life. There are certain situations that we are put in, which makes us questions why we are here and what is the meaning of life. Steve Jobs was once like me, lost in college and he decided to drop out and only sit in those classes that interest him, me on the other hand sat through classes that did not interest me at the time but as the semester would come to an end I have always found something interesting about it. Like him finding that one class that interested him and because of that class he was able to change the world of computers. And after getting fired from Apple he was upset but that did not stop his love for Apple and something that I took from this is that maybe in this up coming years I will not get into programs that I want but maybe there are other programs that are more suitable for myself. This video has a lot of powerful words that can help someone who is going through a hard time.

  • Elizabeth Perez

    Hi my name is Elizabeth Perez.
    I chose a video on Will Smith. I have always loved his movies and speeches. The reason for this is because he has such a strong character in movies and in life. He is so strong and his words hit the heart. Within the video he explains how someone may be better at something than you but you must know he will die before he lets someone else beat him. That is exactly how I feel. When I want something I go for it all the way, no stopping until I either achieve it or fail and if I fail I get back up and do it all over again. I am a huge competitor, I have been all my life. This video sums up how I feel when I got through life. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

  • Mackenzie Prior
    Hi everyone my name isMackenzie Prior. The video I chose to share was a Ted Talk by Angela Ceberano and it is about fighting anxiety and fear. From as long as I could remember I was a nervous and anxious person just like Angela. Also like her when I put on my work hat and I am in a professional setting my anxiety and fear vanishes away because I feel confident in what I am doing. Her main theme of her Ted Talk was to face fear and fight it head on which will create unlimited opportunities. She said once you start to take on these fear projects you can become a warrior not a worrier. She said when she started taking fear head on her happiness has increased across the board. After watching this video it has inspired me to start taking on “fear projects” and start to do more of things that are out of my comfort zone so I can grow as a person.

  • Veronica Dominguez

    Veronica Dominguez
    Hello everyone! This video presents a narrow perception of what beauty is or is supposed to be. Society has place a narrow scope of what qualifies as a beauty standard. The girl in the video has been called many things and is judge by her physical features alone. So, this video is both inspirational and motivational because we, as a society, are quick to judge someone without having the chance to know them. After viewing the video, I find myself unhurried to judge people and more compassionate towards others. I’m hoping this video continues to inspire people to love themselves, and to promote awareness of the unnecessary criticisms.

  • Joao Santos

    Hi All, Joao Santos here! This “Hold the Rope” speech by coach Joe Headen is an impressive way of a coach using a simple concept to get his team to believe in each other and work together. The concept of being “One” and not letting anyone “let go” of the rope was a great way of getting his players to understand that they must play together and that they must keep supporting one another without anyone letting go. I think it was clever and we as coaches need to find creative ways of getting our players to “buy in” to our philosophies and perform at the highest level possible that they are capable. Hope you enjoy!!

  • Keren Hurtado
    Hello everyone! Keren here, i chose the video “How to Fix a Broken Heart” motivational speech by Guy Winch because I understand how painful a heartbreak can be. Many underestimate what heartbreak can do to a person. Heartbreak shares all the hormones of traditional lust and grief. Heartbreak can bring intrusive thoughts, immune system disorders, insomnia and depression. Heartbreak is a psychological and complex injury that impacts us in a magnitude of ways. To fix a broken heart you have reestablish who you are and what your life is like, and look forward to the next chapter in life. I personally chose this video because I understand how painful it is to go through a heartbreak, and feeling like your life will never get better, because it truly feels like a battle against yourself. Friends and family truly become the main support after heartbreak. It is important that if you know someone that’s going through a situation like this to let them know that they are
    not alone and that you are there to support them at all costs, because that’s when they need someone the most.

  • Yesenia V Macias

    Hello, I want to share this video it is one that I look up to the most for many reasons. You can see it and see why. Some people do not realize that the power to make a change is up to the individual itself. No excuses, no blaming others, is about ownership and decisions. I chose to make some changes in my life. It was not until I was tired of my daily life that I felt I was not where I needed to be. Until I really wanted it -it is when I made the decision to make changes and started step, step. For me, it was to get back on my education. At 25 I went back to school after mothering a child. Then I knew I needed change and I had no more excuses. I have been consistent because of my self-discipline. I have allowed no one stop me. I give the same advice to people that I know want change but are afraid to take that first step. The video is motivational and encourages viewers to get up and make the changes one wants.

  • April Lee

    Hello classmates, I wanted to share this motivational speech by Eric Thomas. In this video he talks about “how bad do you want it.” By saying “how bad do you want it”, he means how much do you want to succeed in something or how much you want to do something. I chose this video because his speech motivates you to work harder towards the thing you desire most. It makes you want to work harder because with hard work there will always be success. I definitely recommend this video for everyone. I hope you enjoy it and find it motivational.

  • Melissa Young

    I chose this video because I not only feel that it is something I relate to but a lot of people as well. The video that I chose is called “No Regrets.”I think that it is important that we do not miss out on anything in life. You don’t want to wake up one day and regret that you didn’t do something that you wished you would have done. If you want to travel the world or go skydiving then do it. Do not keep making excuses in your head on why you shouldn’t do something. If you want to play sports but are too nervous to try out for the team, don’t let nervousness stop you from trying something you want to do. I regret myself not playing music for a couple years, but I recently got back into it because I missed it so much. My parents used to always tell me that they wished they could of travel and done more with their lives, and they always encourage my sisters and I to do things before its too late. I don’t want to regret not being able to travel so my fiance and I are planning to go Europe for our honeymoon. I want to travel to many places around the world before it is too late. You want to leave this world knowing that you had a good life with no regrets.