Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Spring 2023


First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach LaSota

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  • Lima

    The video that I chose that was motivating to me was about being open. The topic stood out to me because I personally value it and I think it’s very important. Being open minded is a very positive trait because it will always help you reach your goal and stay motivated. In the video Joe Girardi was able to be successful because he always had one goal. Staying focused on the goal with the open mind made him follow the road no matter how much conflict and challenges he faced.

    Lima Zulmai

  • Judith Medina

    This video was motivating to me because I believe there is so much power in mentality. If you have a negative mentality about everything then you will turn into a negative miserable person but if your mentality is good and positive then that is what/how your life will be. Of course there are things that will happen that are not in your control but there is a choice to make anything something bad happens. You shape your reality and although you might not be able to control the situation, you can control your perspective. Whatever you do, do it your best you’ve done it and stop letting your own self tear you down and get the best of you!

    Judith Medina Zarate

  • Sadie Porras
    Hi my name is Sadie Porras, this has been favorite TedTalk so far. I am a liberal studies major and I have a really close connection to this video because the explanation of how to be a great teacher has stuck to me. Rita Pierson explains the importance of human connection, relationships with your students and building a connection shows how much you can motivate them stronger than just setting a strict log of rules. My favorite part was when she explains to a student who had asked if he had failed his test because there was a +2 on his test not a -18/20 she put this on his test to encourage him to do better next time on his test, A kid who sees a – on a test would be less motivated than seeing a +. I want to make my students feel that they are somebody not someone, no matter if they fail at times I want them to feel like somebody who will push to be better. Every child need someone who is there champion that motivates them to do what they are most capable of, I strive to encourage and motivate my future students.

  • Ariel Montiel Hi, My name is Ariel Montiel and I found this video to be very motivating. I am a Liberal Studies major and I’m going to school to be a teacher and I feel like this video touched my heart. In this video Jeremy Anderson talks about himself and how he came from a broken home, broken family, struggled with things in school, and had drug and alcohol abuse. He talked about how he had a teacher in eighth grade tell him he wasn’t ready for high school and wasn’t high school material. He said it was a very unfortunate seed. This was something that stuck with him and he said that “Life and death is in the power of the tongue” which means what comes out of your mouth has a whole lot of power. Since he was planted with the unfortunate seed and told something like he wasn’t high school material it stuck with him throughout high school. He was kicked out of schools and failed because he didn’t value education or school. He finally went to a school that motivated him to do good and he found it to be weird. He wasn’t used to motivation and hearing things from teachers like “You can do it” or “I believe in you” he put a wall up until he saw things differently. He realized that there is actually teachers that teach for their students, not for money, and they teach to make a difference in someone’s life. I want to be a teacher because I want to change lives. I want to be able to shape and build my students into something great. I feel like everyone can make something of themselves if they believe in themselves. I plan on motivating my students to always do their best and push them to their best abilities.

  • Arianna Magana

    Hello, I am Arianna Magana and this video is very motivational and inspiring to me. Here, Casandra Brene Brown is explaining how the sense of belonging begins with accepting yourself first. If people spent all their time trying to belong everywhere, they would end up realizing all the reasons they don’t belong. You are not meant to fit in with everyone else or change yourself to become like others. You are supposed to be the best version of yourself no matter how different that might be from another individual. One of those things to really understand and improve is trust. Not only trusting people but how to be a trustworthy person because it is not as easy and simple to achieve as it may seem. Like the title says, do not negotiate who you are. I believe this video really does a good job at explaining that and encourages people to be their true selves in order to be happy and feel like they belong, even if they stand alone.

  • Cadence Souza

    Hello, I am Cadence Souza and I chose this video because I am going to college to become a teacher. Coming from a family of educators and also seeing things online of how horrible the education system is now, it is discouraging sometimes that the goal I am working towards will not be my fairytale ending. Knowing this, seeing videos like these that show that teachers can be human, we can be tired, we will have to do more than what is expected, and we are valued makes me more comfortable with what I am getting into. I am currently a preschool teacher and do feel like I put more out than what I get paid to do, but I do it for my students because I love being their teacher and they make my job great(most days). Hearing realistic but motivational messages like these inspires me that I am good enough to be a teacher and capable of directing young minds.

  • Ethan Jones
    Hey, my name is Ethan Jones and I chose this video because I was a big fan of the Rocky movies growing up (I still am) and always found them very motivational. This video incorporates a motivational speech from the “Rocky Balboa” movie that mainly speaks about how life won’t always be easy and that their will be hardships to be faced. In the speech he uses an analogy between life and boxing describing how you’re going to get hit/knocked in life just like boxing, but that doesn’t matter, what matters is getting up and facing adversity. The other half of the video is more of just cinematography from Rocky’s training in Rocky III. This part of the movie is also very motivational to me because it helps show how Rocky is human just like anyone else. When he was faced with adversity in his training he wanted to quit or put it off to the next day, but his partner/trainer Apollo Creed wouldn’t let him quit and in turn helped push him past his limits and succeed in the movie.

  • Laura Haro Sandoval

    Hi, my name is Laura Haro, and I chose a video that highlights some of the key moments from the movie Unbroken which is based off the true story of Louis Zamperini. I chose this movie because I love it, it is devastating to watch everything Louie went through, but it also is inspirational to see his resilience throughout his life. Louie goes from a record-breaking Olympic athlete to surviving on a raft in the middle of the ocean to a hostage in Japan during WW11. There he suffers tremendously but his kindness to others and his strength always shows. He is an example of never giving up. Louis Zamperini motivated me by reminding me to always push through difficult times. There is always a brighter future. He is a hero to many.

  • Emma Yu

    Hello, my is Emma Yu and I decided to share this video of tennis player Novak Djokovic as he talks about his mental game. As a tennis player myself, I have looked up to Djokovic (and plenty of other tennis players) for a long time. I want to learn from great champions and how they are able to achieve such great milestones.

    The video first mentioned that having mental strength can make or break the moment. Sure, having good shots are important, but if you don’t have your mind under control, it will just be more difficult to win. Djokovic says that his pre-match preparation is very important as he can devise a game plan and calm himself before going out. He then goes on to say that he wants to eliminate all outside distractions. He is focusing on the factors that he can control on the inside. Djokovic lets himself be in the moment and experience and accept all of his emotions, both positive and negative. Addressing his emotions in a positive way helps him remain focus and take control over clutch moments.

  • Lawrence Esguerra
    Hello my name is Lawrence Esguerra and I found this video to be quite motivating. The reason why I picked this video is because I noticed myself procrastinating a lot when it comes to school or any personal business I may have. This video also makes me realize and understand that even just taking a small step forward can go a long way in wherever you goals may be. Stepping outside your comfort zone and doing things people never thought you would ever do, can help you understand yourself better and what values you have. In general, this video makes me motivated in taking the first step in my plan to be successful.

  • Destiney Ortega

    Hello my name is Destiney Ortega, I chose this clip God’s Not Dead because, it moves my faith. This video alone makes me think about times I may be struggling with mental health or going through struggles of life. I have had so many discussions with people feeling exactly like this man in the clip. This video inspires me to keep moving forward and drives my faith and pulls me closer to god. I hope you guys find this video interesting and whatever you may be going through pulls you back up.

  • Jourdan Robinson-Griffin
    Hey everyone! I chose to share a clip from my favorite motivational speaker, Eric Thomas. In this clip, he highlights the importance of good decision making. I use this video as a reminder to always be mindful of the decisions I’m making in the moment. Before making decisions, we should weigh the possible outcomes because with every decision that is made comes consequences. Some are small and others are large. Every video Iv’e seen of Eric Thomas so far has transformed me in some way, shape or form, so I hope you all enjoy this!

  • Marguerite Connelly
    Hi, my name is Marguerite Connelly and I picked this clip because it helps remind me that I can achieve whatever I put my mind to. The only way to reach your goals is to take an action to make it happen. Even though school can get tough sometimes and it seems easier to stop trying and put in minimal effort, the video put everything into perspective. The reason we work so hard in college is because one of our goals is to earn a degree, so that we can get our dream job or a job that we’re passionate about. College teaches us so much more than just studying, it teaches us perseverance, which is another main message of this video clip. It says that even if we want to quit, it is worth it to stay strong and push forward.

  • Jacqueline Hinojosa

    Hi! My name is Jacqueline (Jackie) Hinojosa. I am usually the type to get most of my motivation from family and close friends, while the rest comes from the famous k-pop group BTS. Although they may be seen as just a boy band or a group of music artists, they truly are an inspiration to the world. Take this video for example, the leader of the group (Kim Namjoon) is the one giving this speech at the United Nations. He explains how he grew up believing that he had to do what ever he could to jam himself “into the molds that other people made,” needing to follow others expectations rather than his own dreams. This was until he found what he was really passionate about, music, and he decided to form a band. Starting off, their group did not take off and everyone thought they were hopeless, but they didn’t give up leading them to be one of the most popular and successful artists in the world. I chose this clip because it shows no matter who you are, where you come from, your ethnicity, or your gender identification, you have your own voice and only you can take control of your own life. Although it is cliche, chase after your dreams and don’t give up, even when there are hardships or challenges that might try and stop you along the way. Insecurity is a big issue, especially with social media influences so another reason I chose this clip, although may be cheesy, is because of the mention of their album line ‘Love Yourself.’ As you can probably tell by the title, the meaning behind the album is to teach people to love and accept ones self, no matter the flaws.

  • Joanna Dalton

    Hello, my name is Joanna Dalton. I would like to share a clip from one of my favorite movies, Dead Poets Society. As an English major, I share the passion Robin William’s character had in this film. However, I think that the point he was making goes beyond literary devices. For me, this scene was meant to inspire individuality and the pursuit of passions. When he inspires his students to write their own verse, he is imploring them to make their own way despite what ways they know. This film speaks to the pressure academia can have on students. There is often an unbearable pressure to perform and perform well. This movie reminds me how, not only is it okay to fail to meet your own expectations, it is okay to allow yourself the things you enjoy.

  • Melany Lomeli
    Hi, my name is Melany and I chose to share this video of Snoop Dog accepting his Star of Fame on Hollywood. I find inspiration in this video as most people tend meet major goals in their life or full-fill a lifelong achievement of success and thank other people. They tend to say I did it for my mom or my dad etc, however snoop Dog wanted to thank himself. He goes on to thank himself for doing the hard work for believing in himself and never quitting. He put in the hard work at the end of the day nobody got him to where he needs to be other than himself. I find this very motivating as anything I do I do it for me and ever since hearing this speech I never once felt guilty for thanking myself because thanks to me I am where I am nobody helped me get here but myself.

  • Joel Valencia Aguilar
    Hello, my name is Joel Valencia Aguilar, and I found this speech from Kobe Bryant very inspirational. I found this video very inspiring since he basically explains how even though he wasn’t the best at the sport when he was younger, he always tried to make progress. He said that he would practice one thing consistently until he was great at it, and that thing was shooting which in two years he started doing better in and allowed him to be better or as good as the people that had natural ability. I think this was inspiring because what this basically means is that if you continue trying to master one thing a step at a time, you will eventually get to the point where you are the best at that thing. I think another reason that this was inspiring was because it came from Kobe Bryant and to many people he is seen as one of the best basketball players ever and it’s obvious that what he said is true since he eventually became a pro basketball player and an amazing player which in a way is very motivational and inspiring

  • Adela Covarrubias
    Hi, my name is Adela Covarrubias and I chose the video Consistency by Simon Sinek. I chose this clip because recently I started going to the gym more. With all honesty the gym has always been something I’ve struggled with because of my knee problems. However, I started being more and more consistent, and I feel like the work is paying off! Prior I would get so much knee pain but with the growing of my leg muscle the pain is very minor now. This video reminded me how consistency can go for anything like the gym, or even relationships. You won’t see a difference unless you’re consistent and committed to something. It’s important to apply being consistent towards things in life. You need to put the time and work into something in order for the results to be something you want.

  • Victor Martinez
    Hello my name is Victor Martinez and I found this Nike ad very inspirational. I found this ad for their 30 year anniversary campaign that they did with Colin Kaepernick inspirational because it talks about how your dreams should sound crazy to those who don’t believe in your drive and motivation. This connected with me because the idea of setting goals for yourself that sound a little crazy and out of reach is something that I find brings a different kind of motivation because you know in order to reach the goal you need to put in your absolute all. In the video it shows many different types of people with different challenges in life that are shown to be overcoming them with hard work and dedication. These examples are the reason I chose this video to be my motivational clip because the people in the video where all putting in there absolute all to complete their dreams no matter how crazy and far fetched they might seem to other people.

  • Jacob Cazares

    Hi My name is Jacob Cazares and I chose the video Rise and Fight by Military Corner. A simple 3 minute video was all it took for me to start taking my life more seriously senior year of highschool. I already had decent grades to get me into college but that was not my initial thought. I learned that in order to become an officer in the military you needed some kind of college education so that is where I started. With this video I started training to become the most disciplined person I know and fight my way through hardships. This was the video that started me on my path.

  • Rachel Strohm

    Hello, my name is Rachel Strohm and I included a motivational video. I chose this specific one because one of my teachers in high school used to always play ‘motivational Monday’ clips every week. When our assignment was to include a motivational clip, I immediately thought of what was shown to me years ago. The one I included is one that was shown to me In high school. I hope that others find this clip useful and motivational as well.

  • taniya

    Hello my name is Taniya Ziya and this video motivates me because of its message. I used to like working alone because I was able to get the job done easily and I wasn’t relying on someone else to finish the work required. Or if I was assigned to a group, I would do all the work because I knew we would get a good grade if I did the work. However, this video made me realize how important teamwork is because if everyone is included, the job easily gets done and no one is left behind as we saw at the end. So, this video motivates me to participate more in group work because if everyone works together, the job will be successfully done and no one will be left behind.

  • Manpreet Kaur
    Hello my name is Manpreet (Preet) Kaur, I have found this video very motivating by Steve Harvey Trust The Process. I picked this video because the stage I am in I’m questioning myself whether the carrier I have chosen is right or not. Or I’m letting other people make decisions for me. This video motivates how we should trust the process and not quit in the middle because you were not able to do some things during the procure. I can relate this video to my own life because during the COVID my studies were affected and so were my grades and there was a time I wanted to quit. But I rethink and asked myself if I don’t want to call myself a loser so take a break and try it again till you can get it right and now I’m here graduating in a few days.

  • Fatima
    Hello my name is Fatima Muratalla and this video motivates me because you need to live life to the fullest because you never know when something tragic can happen whether it’s losing a business or a family member. You should never let anything negative affect the way you want things to work out. You need to leave a victory and positive mark and not one or defeat. Just because you are going through tough things, you should not have that decide how you want your life to end up. You should never give up, you need to make that help you get better and stronger to keep going and get what you want in life.

  • Vanessa Zaragoza

    Hello my name is Vanessa Zaragoza and Bad Bunny’s music video of “El Apagon” always tends to motivate me. Although it might sound silly, this video is motivating to me because it allows me to realize the struggles people in other countries face. His main focus in the video is his home, Puerto Rico; however it allows me to think back to people from other places in the world as well. Many people might not see this specific clip as motivational but personally, I see it as a reason to be better. For example, I think back to how my parents immigrated from Mexico to the US in search of a better future and although they weren’t able to fulfill their studies, I know that I want to be able to complete mine as a reward to them for all of the hard work and effort they’ve put into providing a better future for myself and my brother. Overall, I’d say that Bad Bunny’s music video motivates me to do better for myself and for my parents since he brings a lot of focus to sacrifices people in Puerto Rico had to made for various different instances.

  • Mariah Baxter
    Hello my name is Mariah Baxter. I chose this video as my motivation because as a college student it is tough to balance school, work, and extracurricular activities and still be successful. We can always find an excuse for why we aren’t doing something or why we are working hard enough and pushing to our limits. This video explains how the only problem is ourselves. We are stopping ourselves from doing the work. No matter how difficult something is we have the ability to do it if we really want it. I find this video motivating because I tend to find excuses not to do things because I am tired or stressed. Instead, I should use the resources I have and put in the work in order to achieve my dreams.

  • Berenice Arias


    I chose this motivational speech by Steve Harvey because he makes many good points that have actually switched my mindset. Most times we are quick to blame and think that we are the only ones that are going through tough times. Instead of thinking “why me” I now say “It is what it is” because sometimes things happen for the better. I like to think that things change for the better and that better things are waiting for me after the storm. I enjoy listening to motivational videos because I find them effective/ encouraging and help motivate people with negative thoughts. Lastly, we can learn from others’ experiences and be encouraged to get through our struggles by knowing that someone else achieved to get through their bad days that they thought would never pass.