Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

CSU STAN KINS 1000 Spring 2022


First, register for the website. Then, in the comments section below post a video clip that you find motivating. The clip does not have to be about sports. Make sure to include your name and a description (minimum 5 sentences) of the reason why you chose the clip. I look forward to seeing your clips.

-Coach LaSota

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  • Peter Borges
    Hello, my name is Peter Borges. I chose this video of an interview with Kobe Bryant talking about his achilles injury. This was a point in his career where he was facing a huge challenge and didn’t know if he could overcome. He gives an example of his family during a house fire, and says that there are certain things that are more important in life than pain. The interviewer asked a question if Kobe thought he could recover from the injury, and he again talked about how the achilles snap was just an obstacle. Sometimes life brings obstacles, but it is important to remember to keep on pushing.

  • Yasmeen Pantoja
    Hi, I’m Yasmeen Pantoja. For my motivational video, I chose the BTS speech at the United Nations (UNICEF). The reason why I chose this clip is because they delivered an incredible speech about self-love and acceptance. They talked about the emotional journey they took in order to be able to love themselves. They wrote and made albums that were dedicated to learning how to love yourself. Their messages have helped me overcome some of my hardships and have shown me the importance of loving yourself and accepting who you are. It made me realize that one could really not truly love unless they love themselves first.

  • Nicolas Arceo

    The clip I chose as a motivational clip was an ad and not a person exactly. The reason that I chose this Nike ad was because back when it came out I used to love playing soccer. I was obsessed and when this Nike commercial came out I would watch it over and over again because I would be filled with motivation seeing all these big names playing soccer and wanting to be like them. Watching the clip now years later I realize this clip perfectly demonstrates what kids’ imaginations are like and what it feels like when you pretend you are a famous player when you play. So I think that’s why I loved this commercial so much because as kids we were motivated by the people at the top of their game and would imitate them.

  • Angelica Meza

    Angelica Meza
    Video: Be A Teacher: Joe Torre
    I chose this video because the title caught my attention “Be A Teacher”. I am going into the education world and concentrating on Kinesiology so that I have an option of teaching Physical Education. So, I thought this video contained helpful information when working with students and sport. I liked Torre’s acronym of TEACH: Train, Energy, Admiration, Catalogue, Honesty. To summarize, Train meant to always be prepared and organized, Energy meant to have the stamina and enthusiasm for the players, Admiration meant to admire and respect your players, Catalogue meant to make notes and adjust, and Honesty meant to be honest with what your players need.

  • Maritza Lopez

    I chose this as my motivational video because I connect to it on a personal level. Last year was probably the most difficult year I had in my entire life. I was struggling with depression and anxiety and it completely took over my mind and body. I lost the motivation to do things because I just became so tired and lazy. I didn’t put in the effort into doing the things that I love and not only affected my performance in school but it also affected my personal relationships. However, I realized that I shouldn’t be letting that define who I am so I decided to go to therapy. Deciding to go to therapy was the best decision I have done in my entire life. I am doing so much better mentally and I am so excited for what my future has in store for me.

  • Edwin Garcia

    I chose to show this video because not only is it motivational for me but it is also so inspiring to me. This video displays a story in which you are just taken back and you have a deep reality check. Not only does it get me inspired but it also makes me feel empathetic, which are two qualities of characteristics I highly value. It shows us that everyone has a different path but that no matter what path you take, getting to that goal is all that matters. For me, I love stories in which you start from the bottom and then you are up top, they are the best because you know it took them great power to go through that whole process mentally, physically, and emotionally. I love the attitude that the whole story essentially portrays, it’s the “I could care less about proving them wrong, I proved myself right.” Plus the player in the video, Jimmy Butler, is also a really good person who motivates and inspires so many people, including me. Despite everything he has been through, he turned out pretty good. You have to have something to keep fighting for, no matter what. I hope you enjoy the story.

  • Ashley Aispuro

    Hello, I am Ashley Aispuro. The motivational video I chose is “You vs You”. I chose this video because I can relate to it and it motivated me. I related to it by explaining that essentially you are your own enemy. For example, I doubt myself, I don’t push myself, I don’t take risks, I let others define/put me down, and I don’t give everything 120%. I realized with the struggles I have, I am my own enemy. I have been working on myself and challenging myself to better compete with what I am actually capable of. The motivational video motivated me by learning that I am my own competition, it is only me vs me and I should always strive to gain success. As the video said, “…stopped being a victim, I stopped saying, I’ve gotta wait for good things to happen to me, and I said I’m going to grind, fight, work, press toward, everything in my power every single day to be a victor and not a victim.”

  • carmen manzo

    Hello everyone, my name is Carmen Manzo. The motivational video that I chose is a scene from the movie “Pursuit of happiness”. I chose this video because Will Smith does a great job at telling the child in the film to follow his dreams despite what people tell him. I found what he said very moving because he realized the child stopped playing basketball because of something Will said, he explained to the child how he should never listen to him when others tell him to stop doing what he loves, including his dad. I feel like a lot of parents don’t apologize to their children when they are in the wrong, but this movie scene depicts the importance. Children are like sponges, they soak in anything you tell them therefore it is important to speak life into them

  • carmen manzo
  • Gissel Ramirez
    Hello! I am Gissel Ramirez. In this video that I chose, Priyanka Chopra discusses how she was lost at a younger age and was very insecure. A few years later, she won Miss World. She says she didn’t know how to walk on heels, etc. which is supposed to be necessary for these types of competitions. Chopra says she’s always been very opinionated and always spoke her truth because that is how she was raised. She came to the conclusion that the only thing you need is confidence and that gets you very far. I chose this video because it helps my confidence boost. When I do not feel confident, this video always reminds me confidence is key.

  • Gabriela Gonzalez

    Hi! My name is Gabriela Gonzalez and for the motivational video, I chose BTS’ 2018 United Nations speech. This speech is particularly motivational to me because it really touches on the topic that we worry about what other people think of ourselves and as a result start seeing ourselves through their eyes. By doing so, we subconsciously become what people think of us and in a way “lose our names.” I believe things like this can be very damaging to oneself but the video clip/speech is a reminder that it is okay to be ourselves even with our flaws and mistakes. If anything those same flaws and mistakes make us a little wiser and even then we are still ourselves. It’s definitely not easy to be accepting of oneself when the opinions of people are louder than anything else but it is important that we learn how to do so. BTS are artists that take their craft, career, and passion for music seriously and as a big fan of them it is calming to know that I am not blindly following artists that do not emphasize self-love and vulnerability. Their music and messages have definitely helped me become nicer to myself little by little! :)

  • Katherine Vandenbroeke

    Katherine Vandenbroeke

    I know this posting this clip is going to have some people scratching their heads as to why I find it motivational. When the events of 9/11/2001 took place, I was a soldier in the Army stationed in the Republic of Korea (ROK), collocated with an ROK Army unit. It was 9 pm at night, the attacks happened and 15km north of my base, North Korea turned on every weapon system they had. There was fear of what was happening at home and fear of what was happening a short distance away. When this speech was made, it provided a sense of calm to the units we were with, a comfort that we were not alone, and a motivation that we would prevail through all the bad that we were encountering. This is not your typical motivational speech, but what it provided was the motivation to move forward with our next steps. It was encouragement that our families at home would be okay as we protected the homeland from a distance. It provided motivation to fight for our country and our freedom. The speech was intended to bring a sense of calm to the nation and let them know their government was there, functioning, and would not be absent in their time of need. For a soldier half a world away, it brought courage and motivation to drive forward and protect my country in whatever way I would be called upon to do so.

  • Janessa Zepeda
  • Janessa Zepeda
  • Janessa Zepeda

    Hi my name is Janessa Zepeda and for my motivational video I have a video on Dr. Abraham. He goes over the meaning of happiness and how we treat ourselves. In the beginning of the video he says ” I believe that happiness is self-fulfillment” What he means by this is that what makes us happy is doing what we are gifted at. I thought this video was motivating because he tells his viewers that if we neglect parts of ourselves like our traits, we’ll get a great feeling of unhappiness, since we’re not able to express ourselves. I really like how he says that if we’re able to realize the strength of our capacity of our traits to the fullest we’ll be happy. So, to me I feel like he’s saying that if we discover more about ourself and achieve more, but not forget who we are, we can be happy. I also feel like I connect this video to who I want to be in my future profession, I don’t want to lose myself in the process of growing up, but I do want to express myself in who I want to become. It’s like a motivation challenge within myself.

  • Cynthia Padilla
    Hello! I’m Cynthia Padilla and I chose this video because when I first saw a David Goggins video I became obsessed. I started watching all of his videos and it really did change my mindset in not just fitness but in my life. One thing that really stands out to me in this video is the “40% rule”. This is the rule where he believes that when you feel the most pain that that is only 40% of your capabilities. So whenever I am working out and I think I am at my last rep, I tell myself “this is only 40% Cynthia”, and it helps me push through a few more. Getting comfortable with pain is how you grow and get better everyday. I’m not talking about like actual pain but the pain and burn you get when working out. “Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable” is my other motto. Sometimes you just have to push yourself to try new things in life because those things can help you get closer to reaching your goals.

  • Tasneem Yasin

    Hey everyone, my name’s Tasneem Yasin and I chose a motivational video called No Excuses. It’s a short clip but was honestly really impactful. Lately I’ve noticed how easy it is for so many of us (myself included) to want so much or think we deserve so much out of life, yet are too lazy to work for it. It can be anything from wanting to get in shape, or be successful within the workplace. Why is it that so many of us want success, but don’t want to put in the necessary work to achieve what we want. I’m guilty of this too. This video was a reminder that we are the only ones that hold ourselves back. Anything is attainable if you’re willing to work for it, it’s just about putting in the work.

  • Ka Vue

    Hi, my name is Ka Vue. I choose this clip from the movie Rocky. I have never seen the movie, but when I came across this video from a social media platform. This speech always motivates me to give my very best and to remember where I came from. Never to blame anyone for my mistake because I will learn from them. This motivational speech also allows me to pick myself back up every time I fall. It helps me move forward and approach things differently next time.

  • Hardip Singh

    Good Afternoon Everyone. My name is Hardip Singh and for my motivational video, I chose a behind the scenes clip of what it is like working with Director Michael Bay. As Dr. LaSota mentioned in his lecture, there are 10 health leadership skills that everyone should have or learn about to be successful. In my opinion Michael Bay has most of them although he could do better as a communicator and a teacher. His passion and vision definitely shows on the big screen. The reason I like Michael Bay is because he constantly pushes the envelope as a vfx and action director. He is a brand. When you see that name, you know what to expect. To achieve that vision, he demands the best out of his crew. Although he can sound rude at times, it is not personal but strictly work. He keeps it real on set, even if it means swearing or demanding a lot from his crew. That’s his personality. Some people have compared his work ethics similar to a tyrant, but in the end no one is forced to work with him. He has to manage a large crew, while keeping the producers satisfied. He is also constantly pushing new cutting edge technology and visuals. There is only 1 director on set for good reason, so the vision doesn’t get lost. While it is essential to work well with others and be open to criticism, in the movie world it is different. While Michael Bay could be nicer, the behind the scenes doesn’t matter, the end product and box office does, which he has consistently delivered. This is one of those industries where you have to have a thick skin.

  • Amelia Harris

    My name is Amelia Harris, I choose this spiritual video clip by Above Inspiration because I look to my faith for motivation. I have been a Christian for the past 10 years. In that ten years I have learned ot lean into my faith in all situations. I refer to God’s word for guidence, strength, and motivation. In this video they talk about having hope refraining from fear which I found very motivating.

  • Jitesh Purswani

    Hello class my name is Jitesh Purswani and the motivation speech that will always raise the hairs off my skin is Eric Thomas’s “How bad do you want it?” motivational speech. I remember seeing this speech for the first time in high school and it’s stuck with me ever since. My favorite line of the speech is “when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” We’d do anything to keep going and breathing, but what do we do with our lives when we’re not really defining the life that we live? Everything’s a dream until you work hard for it and finally comes to reality, then it gives you a sense of relief that you did what you had to do to get to this point. I’ve realized that there’s always somebody else that’s going to be working harder than me, so I have to remind myself to work harder and that mentality came from this exact video. In order to be successful, I have to put in the work.

  • Jake Mendoza

    Jake Mendoza
    KINS 1000
    Coach LaSota
    Rocky Balboa Inspirational Speech

    One of the most difficult and most important things one must do in their life is to accept and figure out who they are as a person. As a society we tend to try and fit in with what is cool and trendy and for many of us we are faking who we are and how we would normally act. This stems from caring what other people think and we let what others think or say bother us enough to change who we actually are. Many of us have been faking it for so long that we don’t really know who we actually are and that is due to the fact we stopped respecting ourselves and rather let others have more of a say in what we should do with our lives than our own selves. The reason I chose this motivational clip is because I think it highlights the mentality I want to have of myself and outlook on life. I never want anyone to have the power over me to make me feel like I am not good enough for anything or that I am inferior to anyone because not only is it not true but I want to be the only one responsible for my success after refusing to give up regardless of all the failures of life. I enjoyed how Rocky explains that it isn’t right and that it is cowardly to live a life pointing fingers at people for not being where you want to be in life. This is something many people fall back on when things don’t go their way, it is easy to think of excuses and to blame people. He ends the video by saying “until you start believing in yourself, you’re not going to have a life”. This speaks volumes and the speech itself has really motivated me into finding out who I am and proving myself right within the life goals I have set up for myself.

    HD – Rocky Balboa (2006) – inspirational speech

  • Araitzia Barragan

    My name is Araitzia Barragan and the clip I decided to share is called “Why do we fall” uploaded by Mateusz M. The reason why I like this video is because it motivates me to do better whenever I’m facing a difficult situation. The video itself reminds me to keep going. I like to listen to this video at the start of my day and at times when I go to bed. There are a lot of things that the video says that I like but two things in particular that I like to hear is when it states “you are already in pain get a reward for it.” This to me stuck because I believe this to be true. Many times we are already experiencing pain whether it’s emotional pain or physical pain, so why not turn that around and do something great. The second thing I like that is stated in the video is when it says “We have the power to make this life a great adventure.” This is a reminder every morning when I wake up to make the best out of my day because we only have one life to live, so we might as well make it great.

  • Andrew Attalla

    Andrew Attalla
    I decided to use a motivational speech from Rocky Balboa. This speech is one he gave to his own son who was angry with Rocky. This speech is very nice to listen to because it’s still relevant to this day. He mentions to his son how the world can hit you and beat on you but it’s not about that. Its about how hard to can get hit and how much farther you can move further. It’s a speech about this world, we all take something in and feel overwhelmed. However, thats what builds us as humans. It’s all challenges we can overcome, we just have to take them step by step and eventually we’ll get over them.

  • Marisol Castaneda

    Marisol Castaneda

    I chose this video because I found it very inspiring. Deshauna talks about how she failed multiple times but never gave up. She continued to try out for her state beauty pageant until she won Miss District of Columbia and finally won Miss USA in 2016. I really loved her explanation of why you should never fear failure. You should only fear regret. Never take a no for an answer. We should fear the possibility of a premature yes because you give up too soon before even trying. I agree with her that receiving a no is like adding fuel to a fire. I have personally heard a lot of no’s, but one I remember the most is when my best friend told me that she didn’t think I could do the welcoming speech for our graduation because she thought I was too quiet and shy. When I heard that from her, I got really mad and knew I had to prove her wrong. I was motivated and eager to prove her and anyone who thought the same wrong. I gave the welcoming speech at my high school graduation in front of hundreds of people. I no longer fear the word no, as a matter of fact, I would love for someone to tell me no to prove them wrong.

  • sandra ordonez
    Hey! My name is Sandra Ordonez. I decided to post this motivational video of Kobe Bryant because it caught my attention. I take words to heart a lot and after listening to this video and his words, it really sent out quite touching and motivational message. He had the desire to be the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time) working all day to be the best. But he realized that his basketball career touches people in a way that his motivation inspired others to be motivated and driven to do and be the best they can. “When you take that jersey off for the final time, how do you think you’re going to feel?” Kobe responded that he would “be at peace with it” and “very thankful for the 20 years he had” and “ready to go”. He made an impact in a lot of people’s lives. I see now what Kobe stood for along with the depth of his character, insight and integrity. The message I got from this was to enjoy and love what you do, even if one day there’s going to be an end to it, but always leave a mark on what you do, and people will remember you for your greatness and the impact you made in their lives, for the better.

  • Nathaly Ayala Chavez

    Motivational Video Assignment
    Nathaly Ayala Chavez
    May 2, 2022

    Hi I am Nathaly, If I am being honest I never really watched inspirational videos. It took me quite a while to find one, the one I chose was “The Wisdom of a 3rd Grade Dropout”.
    I feel like I could relate to this man a lot just because my mother was a single mother a did not have any education similar to his father. It also motivates me to do better for myself because it makes me feel like if he could do it I can do it. I really liked also how it explained how his dad had was the smartest even though he did not have any education he studied and he taught himself how to read he was his own teacher. It is also very inspiring to hear everything his dad taught him such as if he fails when his reached the top at least he tried and never gave up but if he fails and he hasn’t even tried than that would be a problem. I just believe that is things every parent should teach their children so they would not be afraid to try.

  • Sylvia Hernandez

    Hello my name is Sylvia Hernandez, for my motivational video, I chose Morning Motivational. This video was motivational to be because it talks about the importance of pushing yourself and challenging your mindset. The way you think build your life. Mindset is the most powerful tool we have access to and it should be taken advantage of. We shouldn’t be afraid of failure or uncomfortable situations. This helps us get closer to where we would like to be. This video helped me think more in depth about life and the way i’m living life.

  • Ingrid Vega

    This video features Morgan Freeman in a motivational speech about self- focus. The video emphasizes the importance of focusing on your own goals instead of the work of others. Freeman includes personal anecdotes about times when he was more concerned with others’ and lost sight of himself. I find this video to be very inspirational since one must achieve our goals without trying to please others’ so much. We must also find the confidence within ourselves to stop comparing.

  • kerissa ramirez

    Hi everyone,

    My name is Kerissa and a motivational clip for me would be a advice Steve Harvey told his fans. What I took from the clip was you have to work hard for the things you want in life. No one is just going to hand it to you. He talks about how you have all the power to make it what you want. He also talks about not letting someone take control of your mind and lose the distractions that are not going to benefit you. I think this was on of my favorite clips because he said a lot of key points on being successful.

  • Alejandro
    Hello my name is Alejandro. The reason I chose this video is because of the fact that this represents my whole life. I have played soccer ever since I was about 3 years old. It has taught me a lot in life and keeping myself motivated in soccer and life is a big thing. In life no matter how hard you ever get hit, you always have to keep moving.

  • Barbara

    David Goggins is truly an inspiration. He beat all the odds and learned the key to success, your mind. Your mind is a powerful tool that can make or break you, but if you learn to push your limits mentally, you can push your limits physically too. Although he uses alot of profanity, to me he speaks his true self and he is not sugar coating anything, just simply stating what works. David Goggins helped me with my workout goals as well as my eating habits, he pushed me to meditate and test my minds limits daily.